Esh, Joey - Golf in Schools

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Property: Canyon River Golf Club

Location: Missoula, MT

Program Contact: Joey Esh

Contact Phone/Email: 406-830-6854 / [email protected]

Name of PD Program: Golf in Schools - Western Montana

Type of PD Program: Junior Golf Program

Details of Program

The goal of the Western Montana Golf in Schools program is to solidify the game of golf in the Missoula area by creating a sustainable golf in schools program to introduce kids to the game of a lifetime. The WMGIS board applied for and were granted 501c-3 tax status. We have had many fundraisers. We have used the funds to purchase new equipment and pay local PGA professionals to teach classes in the schools. For just over $4.00 per child, children ages 8-10 get three full days of golf in schools as part of the PE curriculum.

Results of Program

To date, five elementary schools in Missoulahave implemented this program, which is over 1,135 kids being introduced to the game of a lifetime.

Revenue Generated: n/a


Every community should adopt a golf in schools program. One of the attractions of the game of golf is a tradition of integrity, courtesy, respect and sportsmanship. Introducing children to this great sport creates an opportunity to reinforce these values, as well as head them down a path to participate in a sport that can be enjoyed for a lifetime. Junior golfers introduced to the game of golf between the ages of 8-10 are twice as likely to play as adults.