Paine, Ed - Free Golf Club with Beginner Golf Lesson

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Property: The Golfer's Edge

Location: Wenatchee, WA

Property Type: Indoor Studio

Program Contact: Ed Paine

Contact Phone/Email: 509-662-2032, [email protected]

Name of PD Program: Free Golf Clubs for Junior Golfers and their Families

Type of PD Program: Junior Golf, Adult Beginner

Details of Program

  • My program is designed around reaching junior players, their families and new-to-the-game players.
  • In order to find more clubs to give to people to play, I went to estate, garage sales and people I knew were looking to do something with their old clubs.
  • I used word of mouth, radio and TV advertising to promote my program. I also included an announcement on my web page and put together a flyer to hand out at my store and any meetings that I attended during the year.

Results of Program

  • Junior and family involvement has increased. New-to-the-game player growth is a little slower. I feel the game needs to grow at the family level.
  • We have had more people coming in to buy the accessories of the game.


My program is from the indoor facility prospective. I believe you have to make people aware of the fact that you can learn the game at an indoor facility. That is why I kept growing the advertising side. This made more people aware of my facility and what I had to offer. What I found this year was that the TV ads were more responsible for my growth then the radio or flyer.