Fife, Cameron - Couples "Chip n' Sip"

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Facility: Bellingham G&CC

Location: Bellingham, WA

Property Type: Private Equity Owned

Program Contact: Cameron Fife, Head Professional

Contact Phone/Email: [email protected]

Name of PD Program: Couples “Chip n’ Sip”

Type of PD Program: Social

Dates of Program: 2x/month in season, on Thursday nights

Results of Program

Over the spring, summer and fall of 2016, and into 2017: this activity will show up as a “member retention” value for the BGCC bottom line; it also strengthens the BGCC community. Participants say they have met new friends, previously unengaged spouses have found more joy in the game and have a desire to remain a part of the Club. (If one of these members has been “saved” to the Club, that one member value for just one year is nearly $10k in value to BGCC!) Total Revenue Generated: Significant increase in food and beverage sales overall, but especially on Thursday nights; seeing what looks like less member turnover

Details of Program

Chip and Sip: based on the Lost Tree CC model shared by Monte Koch, PGA.

  • 9 holes of golf, max yardage is 40 yards per hole; holes can be played from different angles so shots are easier (or more variety is given for more engaged members who play all the time)
  • Thursday Nights: 2x/month @ $45/couple; guests are allowed (hopefully to sell them into membership)
  • Successful in drawing previously less engaged women (and their husbands; who played more, perhaps 20% more)
  • Per F&B evaluation by Trent, (GM of BGCC) these members are eating and drinking more; Cam Fife said, “GM is very pleased with the idea; he's a big fan of it; Thurs PM is now the ‘couples night’."


  • Considering addition of off-season couples’ night offerings: "Date and Paint"
  • Focus on inviting the wife first, she needs the personal invitation; her husband will come along no matter what.