There are just a few more days for members to enter the Pacific Northwest Section PGA Professional Championship. Entries for YOUR member championship close on September 5. With 54 holes on a great course, only PGA members, payout to 50%, and a 2017 purse of $86,000 — why would you not play? Click here for complete information and join us at Meadow Springs CC, September 18-20.
One other immediate entry deadline is our 2019 Hawaii Pro-Am presented by State Farm Jim Ostrander Agency. If you would like to join us for 8 days in the Kauai sunshine next January, contact Denise Bacon or Jeff Ellison in the office today. September 1 was our entry deadline, but we may be able to add you if you act fast!
Labor Day weekend is the official time for Patriot Golf Day. Thank you all for supporting this important cause in providing assistance to the dependents of those lost in service to our country. Remember, if Labor Day does not work for you, you are welcome to organize a program that works for the schedule at your facility. Give me a call if I can be of assistance.
Our Special Awards process is underway. The first, and most important step, is identifying deserving candidates in each chapter. Your chapter awards chairs have initiated the nomination process, please participate so we identify the many deserving professionals in every chapter. Nominate your neighbor, your staff, your boss or yourself! This key step will help the chapter committees work through the qualifications of all who deserve recognition. We enhanced the Special Awards process a few years ago and it has elevated our entire awards program. Once again this year we identified two outstanding professionals who will receive National Awards – Cameron Milton and Mark Rashell. It could be you or your neighbor next year – if you PARTICIPATE in the process.
The Pacific Northwest Section PGA Merchandise Show is the can’t-miss opportunity of the year. Not only do you have the chance to work with your favorite vendors, but you can team up for the Pro-Vendor, attend three different education opportunities, of course participate in the Section Annual Meeting and stay connected with your Association. Follow the links below for complete information and to register.
If you are a PGA Associate or employ a PGA Associate, please remember the Section’s Associate Mentoring Program requires Associates to attend one meeting, one qualifying education seminar and play once. Letters are going out shortly on your status – don’t fall short. Meetings will all be held during September and October so don’t wait, your only chances left are the Section Annual Meeting in Tacoma and your Fall Chapter Meeting. Plan today. Chapters will fire up their education calendars soon, check in with your chapter education chair if you are short. Finally, know your chapter event schedule, three of the chapters are about done!
Entries are out for the Holcomb-In-One Las Vegas Pro-Am, March 10-14, 2019. Holk always does a great job with this event and we have another fun event planned for you!
We’ve released the 2019 Section Tournament Schedule. As you can see, we have another terrific lineup. We are very fortunate to have such a great schedule. My thanks to all our 2018 host professionals and those of you who helped us add your fine facilities for 2019!
As you can see, after a very busy summer, we are headed into a very busy fall. Must be the new normal. I look forward to seeing all of you at your chapter meetings.
Jeff Ellison, PGA
CEO, Pacific NW Section PGA