greg manley

President's Report

Merry Christmas!

I am thankful to be a member of the PNWPGA. After attending the recent PGA Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas, I am proud of how our Section continues to lead the way in growing the game.  Our Section is #2 in the country for PGA Junior League ‒great work! I truly believe that we deserve more recognition for the many great programs that we offer in the PNWPGA, and will work to get all of our programs recognized from a National perspective in 2018.  

Your Section Board will be meeting December 4-5 in Federal Way WA.  We will work on board member development and approve the business plan and budget for 2018.  I can promise you that we will continue to push the initiatives in our Business Plan and Strategic Plan that have made us so amazing. Dollars and programs will continue to be made available to you to help us grow the game and provide more golfers at your facility.  I ask that you embrace the programs and use them to their fullest extent.

Thanks for your tireless work and dedication to the game in the Pacific Northwest. PGA  members are truly making the game better.  I hope you all will enjoy the holidays with your family and I cannot wish you enough good luck and good fortune in 2018.  Keep working hard and find ways to work smarter!  Use the programs the PGA has for you and make sure to use Monte Koch, Branden Thompson and the Section Staff to help you in your careers and at your facilities.

If I can ever help you with anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Greg Manley, PGA

President, Pacific Northwest Section, PGA
General Manager – Director of Golf
Meridian Valley Country Club

jeff ellison

CEO's Report

At both the Section and Chapter level, this fall has been extremely busy in preparation for 2018. Your leaders and staff have really elevated their games in the business planning arena. Multiple video conferences and meetings have resulted in realistic plans to provide valuable programs to YOU. These are not a series of wish lists, they are concrete plans of action utilizing the focus of our Strategic Plans to fulfill the mission of “serving the members and growing the game”. It’s been my pleasure to attend most of these proceedings and you can be proud of the effort of this dedicated group. The final piece will be the Section two-day session on December 4-5. Leadership development will dominate the programming to make all of us better as we serve you.

The Special Awards Committee just completed their rigorous process of selecting the 2017 Special Award honorees. They researched and agonized over the decisions. Awards Chair Sean Fredrickson spent many hours conferring with the committee members as they encountered questions during the process. When we drafted this committee we warned them they would likely do more work than the board members…. I think we were right. Once the Board of Directors approves the recommendations on December 5th and the honorees have been notified, look for an email presenting the winners.

Within the Section there are over 200 playing opportunities and I’m sure there is one that will work for you. Your chapter schedules are almost complete and will be posted soon. We have a terrific selection of venues for the Section events in 2018, click here to view and plan your year. Give us a call or visit our web site if you need information about any of these fine events.

PGA Junior League captain registration is now open. If you want to enhance your facility income, elevate your own income and build strong relationships with your customers, call our new PGA Junior League Regional Manager Branden Thompson at 503-869-2827 or email [email protected] for assistance. Branden’s full time job is to help you with PGA Junior League – use him!

Applications are now available for the PGA Financial Assistance Fund Scholarship. This opportunity is open to both high school seniors and current college students who are children or grandchildren of PGA Members. The process changed a few years ago to spread the wealth around a little so if your child has not received a scholarship in the past, keep applying. You may remember, we use this very same application for the distribution of our Bunny Mason Scholarships. We awarded two last year and I’m expecting the same in 2018. Go to for the application.

Finally, it’s been another great year working with your terrific team. Molly, Angela, Rebekah, Marlena, Cecelia, Denise, Michelle, Doug, Dominic, Brian and Jason are a dedicated group working hard to ensure you get the very most out of your membership. Never hesitate to lean on them for assistance. Thank you for treating them like the professionals they are.

We’ll see you in the New Year,


Jeff Ellison, PGA
CEO, Pacific NW Section PGA


Giving Back to Charities

Part of our strategic vision is to promote the philanthropic efforts of the Section and Chapters as well as individual PGA Professionals. Our chapters raised over $278,000 for organizations like Friends of American Lake and The Children’s Cancer Association. The 2017 Section tournament program raised an additional $247,000 that went directly the Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery, KIDS Center and Folds of Honor.

Many of our charities are presented with a check on the final day of a major tournament. Since 1988, proceeds from the Rosauers Open Invitational have gone to the Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery, Spokane’s safe haven for children at risk of abuse and neglect. The Nursery provides vital services, including counseling, education and referrals for parents of young children in Eastern Washington. The 2017 event made $125,000 for the charity, with over $2.875 million raised since 1988.  

The Oregon Open Invitational benefits Kids Intervention and Diagnostic Service (KIDS) Center, a child advocacy center serving Central Oregon. Founded in 1994 by the community, KIDS Center works together with law enforcement, medical providers and social service agencies to create a supportive response to child abuse, as well as provide family support and therapeutic services. The 2017 championship helped raise $3,100 for KIDS Center.

The Muckleshoot Casino Washington Open Pro-Am’s official charity is Folds of Honor. The event helped raise $61,000 for the charity in 2017. Folds of Honor is a 501 (C)(3) charitable foundation supporting scholarships and assistance to the spouses and children of those killed or disabled in military service to America. We can honor those who fought for our freedom by serving the families they leave behind.

All of these charities are in need of more funds so they can continue making a difference in the community. In the spirit of the holiday season, we encourage you to donate to one or more of these deserving charities. For more information or learn how to donate and help the following charities reach more families, visit the links below.

Happy Holidays from the Pacific Northwest PGA Section Staff!



Tom Sovay – Russell Grove – Derek Berg

2017 Player of the Year Award Winners

Congratulations to the PNW PGA Player of the Year award winners! Russell Grove of North Idaho College won OMEGA Player of the Year.  Tom Sovay of The Golf Club at Redmond Ridge won OMEGA Senior Player of the year.  Derek Berg of Sahalee CC won Assistant Player of the Year.

OMEGA Senior Player of the Year Points - FINAL

1. Sovay, Tom - 442.50

2.Coston, Jeff - 382.50

3. Gibbons, Rob - 372.50


OMEGA Player of the Year Points - FINAL

1. Grove, Russell - 600.00

2. Cassidy, John - 517.50

    Feenstra, Tim - 517.50


Assistant Player of the Year Points - FINAL

1. Berg, Derek - 722.50

2. Prante, Shane - 555.00

3. Feenstra, Tim -  536.66


A Look Back at our Champions


Pros on the Move

by Michelle Parish, Tournament & Membership Coordinator

Employment Changes

  • Kellan L. Sasken, PGA (A-1) - from Tualatin CC to Chelhalem Glen GC
  • Joseph A. Thompson (B-8) - from Whidbey G&CC to Useless Bay G&CC

Class Changes

  • Timothy J. Feenstra, PGA (Broadmoor GC) - from A-8 to A-1
  • Dan Hill, PGA (Broadmoor GC) - from A-1 to A-4
  • Raymond E. Otis, PGA (Pumpkin Ridge - Witch Hollow) - from A-13 to A-4

New Apprentices

  • Alexandria M. Albi (B-8) - Bandon Dunes Golf Resort
  • Brian F. Green (B-8) - Palouse Ridge GC at WSU
  • Trey E. Harbick (B-8) - Tokatee GC
  • Matthew R Herman (B-8) - Meridian Valley CC
  • Brent P. Howk (B-8) - Tetherow GC
  • Troy T. Smith (B-8) - Trailhead at Liberty Lake GC
  • Erik M. Stai (B-8) - The Club @ Snoqualmie Ridge

Transfers INTO the Section

  • Jason C. Hoth, PGA (A-4) to Woodburn Estates G&CC from Utah
  • Robert J. Wampler, PGA (A-20) to Golf Genius Software from Middle Atlantic Section

Transfers OUT of the Section

  • Austin T. Hall, PGA (The GC at Black Rock ) to Southern California
  • Christopher L Holloway (Unaffliated) to Southern California
  • K L Gildersleeve-Jensen, PGA (Indian Canyon GC) to Southwest
  • Evan J. Mitchell, PGA (Rock Creek Cattle Company) to Southern California
  • Aaron A. Moe, PGA (The GC at Black Rock) to Southern California
  • Taylor M. Kahlman, PGA (Rock Creek Cattle Company) to South Florida
  • Thomas J. Wojculewski (Brookdale GC) to Alabama NW-Florida R.
  • Bruce Wilkins, PGA (Running Y Ranch) to Carolinas

New Half Century Club Members

  • Rick Adell, PGA
monte koch

Your Resolution for 2018 Should Be...

Monte Koch, PGA of America Employment Consultant


 “REASONS Lead to Conclusion;  EMOTIONS Lead to Action.” – Kevin Roberts,  Author of Lovemarks

 During the last two months, I shared thoughts from the game-changing book called Lovemarks by Kevin Roberts. (If you haven’t read the October ’17 or the November ’17 articles, may I suggest you read them both before proceeding with this one?) Lovemarks is a marketing book in nature, but I see it as providing insights on our golf consumers. I believe we can build loyalty and success based on relationships and not pricing, discounts, etc.


Here's How

Investing vs. Trading

Blake Parrish, CFP®

“Of all the hazards, fear is the worst” – Sam Snead

Are you an investor or a trader?  Investors think long-term, while traders focus on short-term price movements.  Most people still working simply sign up for the company retirement plan and pick a handful of index funds and let it ride until they approach retirement.  Our firm helps people who want to invest in value rather than make a quick buck trying to pick the next Google.  For every Google stock, there are a thousand losers in my experience.

Trading furs, cloth, commodities, or tulips, has gone back centuries, if not millennia, but was about adding value and moving goods to markets.  In other words, through trading many ran businesses that looked a great deal like investing.


Read More

Certified Financial Planner Boardof Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, CFP® (with plaque design) and CFP® (with flame design) in the U.S., which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.”

Gold Level Sponsors
FP-gold-sponsor-NCR FP-gold-sponsor-wildhorse FP-gold-sponsor-rosauers
Holcomb-In-One Sponsors
Silver Level Sponsors
FP-silver-sponsor-PACGolf FP-silver-sponsor-bridgestone FP-silver-sponsor-CB FP-silver-sponsor-bushnell FP-silver-sponsor-clubcar
FP-silver-sponsor-SCG FP-silver-sponsor-yamaha FP-partner-sponsor-ama FP-silver-sponsor-sundog FP-silver-sponsor-gregnorman
National Sponsors
FP-natl-sponsor-nike FP-natl-sponsor-titleist-fj FP-natl-sponsor-mercedes FP-natl-sponsor-omega
FP-natl-sponsor-KitchenAid FP-natl-sponsor-PGANatlResort FP-natl-sponsor-PGATour FP-natl-sponsor-pepsi FP-natl-sponsor-janiking
Partner-Level Sponsors
FP-partner-sponsor-PTE FP-partner-sponsor-statefarm nw golf consulting FP-sponsor-golf-genius
FP-partner-sponsor-lorente FP-partner-sponsor-pelzer FP-partner-sponsor-haas-jordan FP-partner-sponsor-clubglove FP-partner-sponsor-sunice
FP-partner-sponsor-HIOne winners-ag

Copyright © 2017 Pacific Northwest PGA
Our address is PO Box 14819, Tumwater, WA 98511