Happy New Year!
Happy New Year
greg manley

President's Report

Your Section Board of Directors completed the winter business meeting this past month. There are some changes coming to programs that we offer you as members. Thank you for taking the time to read this!

Your Board deliberated for a long time about dress code. The discussion was around meeting dress code only and, after much discussion, we approved that golf attire will be the dress code for all meetings in the Chapters and the Section. There will be events such as the Hall of Fame and Awards Ceremony that will require professional business attire but going forward, unless specified, you may wear golf attire for meetings and education. Ultimately, the Board made a decision on what they thought was in the best interest of the 1,200 members of our Section. I want to be clear that this decision was discussed heavily and was not taken lightly. I applaud the Board for its frank discussions and ultimately its decision.

Two other programs that will see change in 2018 are the Membership Directory and the PNWPGA Annual. We constantly evaluate our programs and offerings, and the time has come to adapt these mainstays of our operations to current technologies. The Membership Directory will become an app that will be easily accessible from your phone, tablet or computer. The PNWPGA Annual will become an electronic presentation hosted on our website, where it will continue to celebrate our tournament champions and preserve our historical record in a professional way. I can say that both long-time sponsors of the directory and the annual have shifted their support to other Section programs and we appreciate their continued support. As we start the New Year, please take time to thank all those who support us. Click here for a list of our sponsors.

I hope all of you were able to enjoy the downtime with your families. I hope that you had a Merry Christmas and that you will have a prosperous New Year! If there is anything I can do for you I hope that you won’t hesitate to ask!


Greg Manley, PGA
President, Pacific NW Section PGA
[email protected]
cell: 253-350-3209

jeff ellison

CEO's Report

Participation is the theme for your staff in 2018. Not for the selfish reason that it helps the budget, but because it is how YOU will maximize YOUR benefits of your PGA membership. As a staff we work hard to deliver 200+ tournaments for you, driving purse dollars to you personally. Through pro-am events, we send amateur winnings to your shops and  provide you the opportunity to build relationships with your customers that will enhance your career. All you need to do is participate!

Our Professional Development Committees are working hard to develop educational opportunities for you in 2018. Not just for you to collect the required credits, but so you can grow as a professional in your current position and most importantly, your next position. All you have to do is participate!

Two grant programs, PGA Junior League and Drive Chip and Putt, are all available to help you improve your player development programs and your bottom line. You guessed it; all you have to do is participate. We will work with your leaders and committees to keep you informed of these opportunities, but never hesitate to give us a call and just ask! 

I’ve been working with your chapters on their budgets and pro-am schedules. It’s pretty easy to see that when you combine the chapter schedules with the section schedule, there is definitely at least an event or two to participate in. If you are new to the Section or have just not participated in a while, give your chapter and section staff a call and we’ll be happy to help you understand the opportunities. The Section schedule can be found here and the chapter schedules will be going up on the chapter web pages very soon.

The MSR deadline is approaching on June 15, 2018 and many of you still need a few credits to complete your requirements. The chapters are tasked with offering a robust program this winter – watch your chapter web sites for information. Monte Koch is planning another “road show” this spring, Andy Mackimmie has the Sweet 16 in process for February 19-20 at the Coeur d’Alene Resort and the Spring Meeting will be on March 19 at Willamette Valley CC. We are also finalizing a program on March 18 where National will bring their new simulation seminars. We’ll keep you informed via email and our websites. 

The 223 PGA Junior League teams in the Section in 2017 is a testament to the value of the program to the kids, to the families, to the facilities and to you, the PGA Professional. This program is a great bridge between introductory junior activities and the professional junior tours. Use the marketing horsepower of the PGA Brand and the collaborative opportunity with your fellow professionals to help grow the game FOR YOUR FACILITY. Branden Thompson is our dedicated PGA Junior League Regional Manager; contact him at [email protected] or 503-869-2827 for more information. 

Drive Chip and Putt fills a variety of needs at your facility. First, it’s a great introductory activity for juniors. It’s a fun vehicle to build a skill development workshop around to introduce kids to the game.You can also use it as a profit center by offering a DCP Clinic to help juniors prepare for the coming season and our 13 local qualifiers. Finally, you just may start a young boy or girl on the path to glory at Augusta National. In April 2017, five kids who started in our local qualifiers competed at Augusta.  This year, we will have 6 kids enjoying the experience of a lifetime. You and your promotion of this program may just start one of your juniors on this path. Don’t miss out on that chance – participate! 

For those of you staring college tuition in the face, I encourage you to apply for the PGA Financial Assistance Fund Scholarship. The link is on the pga.org home page and it not only serves as the application for this scholarship but also the two Bunny Mason Scholarships offered by the Junior Golf Funds. One application, two opportunities – participate. 

Finally, 2018 is an election year for National, the Section and your Chapter. If you are the type who would like to make a positive contribution to your association, please reach out to your leaders and discuss the opportunities. You’ll be glad you become involved. 

 Here’s to a great beginning to 2018. I look forward to your participation.


Jeff  Ellison, PGA
CEO, Pacific NW Section PGA

carissa simmons

Holk's Highlights: Carissa Simmons, PGA

Facility: Meridian Valley CC

Hometown:  Boise, ID

PGA Member Since: 2017 (PGA Apprentice 2012-2017)

Congratulations on your Assistant Professional of the Year Award! What are your goals for the New Year?

This year I will be taking on a new role at Meridian Valley as Director of Player Development and Member Engagement. My goal this year is to introduce and attract as many people to the game as possible. I enjoy the challenge of “creating golfers.” In order to do this, I will continue to use programs such as PGAJLG and run my very own version of Get Golf Ready titled “Hit & Giggle” as I have in past years. I also look forward to putting together a calendar of programs for all the other types of golfers within our facility and utilizing the other PGA professionals on staff to assist me. Our goal remains the same as the PNWPGA “Serve our members and grow the game.” I look forward to the 2018 season more than ever and am excited for my new role!

Read more, including Carissa's tips for PGAJLG!

Pros on the Move

by Michelle Parish, Tournament & Membership Coordinator

Employment Changes

  • Brady B. Hatfield, PGA (A-13) - to Gamble Sands from Suncadia Prospector

Class Changes

  • Derek R. Siesser, PGA (The Creek at Qualchan) - to A-14 from A-8

New Apprentices

  • Daniel J. Billings (B-8) - The Oregon Golf Club
  • Cory J. Camilleri (B-1) - Chinook Winds Golf Resort
  • Joshua R. Garza (B-8) - Horn Rapids Golf Course
  • Brent P. Howk (B-8) - Tetherow Golf Club
  • Seth M. Misenhimer (B-8) - Mountain View Golf Club

Newly Elected Members

  • Kyle Flajole (A-8) - Overlake G&CC

New Quarter Century Members

  • Tony Cuchessi, PGA
  • Andrew W. Heinly, PGA
  • Brian E. Kruhlak, PGA
  • Joe A. Trembly, PGA
  • Tony Wilkins, PGA

Financial Exploitation

Blake ParrishCFP®

“We have a pool and a pond…the pond would be good for you” -Bill Murray in Caddy Shack

Financial exploitation takes many forms. It always amazes me to talk with clients about some new form of abuse. As golf professionals, it’s easy for time to fly by. Keep in touch with people in your circle of friends and family who may be exposed to abuse before it escalates.

An incomplete list of malfeasance could include the sale of an elder’s medications; grocery bills more attributable to cash withdrawals taken by caregivers than bread and milk purchased for the elder; lawn services for a small yard being billed at $300 per week; money being used for gambling fees; medical care and dental care being neglected because of a theft of funds; and assignments of bank accounts into joint tenancy with a wrongdoer.

Most families with victimized elders could readily add to the list of the ways elders can be financially exploited. Here are some ways you can remain alert...


Read More

Certified Financial Planner Boardof Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, CFP® (with plaque design) and CFP® (with flame design) in the U.S., which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.”

Gold Level Sponsors
FP-gold-sponsor-NCR FP-gold-sponsor-wildhorse FP-gold-sponsor-rosauers
Holcomb-In-One Sponsors
Silver Level Sponsors
FP-silver-sponsor-PACGolf FP-silver-sponsor-bridgestone FP-silver-sponsor-CB FP-silver-sponsor-bushnell FP-silver-sponsor-clubcar
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National Sponsors
FP-natl-sponsor-nike FP-natl-sponsor-titleist-fj FP-natl-sponsor-mercedes FP-natl-sponsor-omega
FP-natl-sponsor-KitchenAid FP-natl-sponsor-PGANatlResort FP-natl-sponsor-PGATour FP-natl-sponsor-pepsi FP-natl-sponsor-janiking
Partner-Level Sponsors
FP-partner-sponsor-PTE FP-partner-sponsor-statefarm nw golf consulting FP-sponsor-golf-genius
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FP-partner-sponsor-HIOne winners-ag

Copyright © 2017 Pacific Northwest PGA
Our address is PO Box 14819, Tumwater, WA 98511