Happy New Year!
happy new year
sean fredrickson

President's Report

Happy New Year!  I wish each of you the best as you set out to out make 2020 the most successful year of your career.

Your section board just finished up our winter planning sessions and we are very excited for the upcoming year.  The 2020 budget was approved as well as our business plan.  Every decision we made focused on serving each of you and growing the game of golf at your facilities.  As we left the meeting, the board, the section office staff and each of our committees were tasked with specific objectives.  I look forward to measuring our success throughout the year and reporting back to each of you over the next 12 months.  We have much to accomplish but I am confident we can achieve our goals.

The 2019 list of Special Award Winners was made public on December 10th.  Congratulations to each of these deserving PGA Professionals.  These are the best and brightest in our section and serve as model PGA Professionals. Read about the winners here.  Each will be honored in March at our Special Awards Ceremony.

The 2020 tournament calendar is posted on our section website.   We have some great venues lined up for 2020 ‒ highlighted by a return trip to Montana for our Section Championship at Canyon River.  I hope you all make a point to play in a section major as well as a handful of chapter events.

I hope to see many of you this spring for our PNW Pro-Assistant Championship, held March 23-24 at Tualatin CC. Join us the night of March 22nd for the Special Awards Ceremony, and March 23rd after the first round of the championship for the Spring Meeting.

As always, please reach out if there is anything I can do for you, answer any questions you may have, or simply want to chat about how to fix my chipping yips!

Sean Fredrickson
Head PGA Professional – Oswego Lake Country Club
PNW PGA President
Callaway Master Staff Professional

year in review

2019 Year in Review


2020 Tournament Schedule

Holk's Highlights: Derek Siesser

siesserThis month we interview Derek Siesser, winner of the 2019 PNW PGA Player Development Award. He has emerged as a leader in teaching the game and growing the game. He has accomplished this by investing in teaching technology including video and True 3D motion capture, designing creative programs to teach lessons, mentoring fellow professionals and helping to mold the long-range vision of PGA Junior League Golf in the Inland Northwest.

Tell us a little bit about your career. Who or what inspired you to become a Golf Professional?

As a collegiate golfer, I loved to practice and tinker with my swing. I would spend hours on the range, trying different things, video taping my swing and analyzing. I just loved the science part of the golf swing and trying to “Macgyver” new techniques and training devices. As a senior in school, I did an internship with mentor Joe Sievers. Joe was the perfect mix of scientific instruction and personal connection to his students, it was what I wanted to do. I was also working at Meridian Valley CC at the time and loved the culture that Greg Manley had created. He, Robyn Lorain and Brian Thornton created an environment for a young professional to learn and thrive, something I'm grateful for. I’ve had a few other stops along the way, Overlake, The Club at Snoqualmie Ridge, The Creek at Qualchan and now Indian Canyon. I’m fortune to have been around professionals who desire to grow others every step of the way. Mark Gardner, Ron Hoetmer, Marcus King, Dan Harrington and Doug Phares in addition to those I listed above are all professionals who have had significant impacts on my career and ambition as a professional.

You have been the driving force in developing PGA Jr. League Golf in the Inland Empire Chapter. Do you have any tips for those looking to adopt or grow PGA JLG at their facility?

Don’t be afraid to start small. One of the most common things I see other professionals do is not be willing to start small and go through the process of organic growth. Be content with hitting a single instead of a home run. If you only get 6 players your first year, so what… be dedicated to making a great experience for them. Your initial clients are the ones that are the most excited about your program. If you make it great for them, they will tell others how great the program is and help you grow exponentially. The program is a proven game changer, but it doesn’t happen overnight. Commit to it and you will not regret it.

What role do you feel technology has in teaching golf?

The benefit of using technology is that it gives us the ability to quantify the golf swing and improvement. People want data to track things in 2019 and beyond, this gives it to them. It also adds a level of entertainment to the instruction process. When people spend money on golf lessons and golf in general, they want to be entertained. The more I can provide them in terms of entertainment, the more likely they are to enjoy their experience and return.

Can you tell us about your “gym membership model” for teaching golf?

I hate the idea we promote in golf instruction that 3 or 5 lessons are going to help players achieve their goals. Rarely does that happen. Improving your golf swing is like losing weight or getting fit, it’s a constant process and evolves over time. I wanted to create a model that allows students to commit to the process of improvement over a long period of time and helps them get the most out of their instruction. Students who sign up get unlimited lessons each month, they can take two or they can get six or more in depending on the schedule. This program has been successful in retaining clients long term and for getting the most improvement from my students.

Congratulations, Derek Siesser!


Pros on the Move

by Robin Lindsey, Tournament & Membership Coordinator

Employment Changes

  • Richard C. Denholm, PGA (A-1) - from Olympia C&GC to Oaksridge GC

Class Changes

  • Andrew S. Ellis, PGA (Useless Bay G&CC) - from A-8 to A-1

New Associates

  • Jessica L. Young (B-6) - Southern OR Golf Academy

Newly Elected Members

  • Andrew S. Ellis, PGA (A-8) - Useless Bay G&CC
  • Michael D. Wagner, PGA (A-8) - University of Idaho GC
  • Nicholas K. Warren, PGA (A-6) GOLFTEC - Beaverton

Reinstated Members

  • Kevin J. LeDuc, PGA (A-1)

Transfers INTO the Section

  • James M. Boyd, PGA (A-8) to Bandon Dunes Golf Resort from N. California Section

Transfers OUT of the Section

  • K L Gildersleeve-Jensen, PGA - from Kalispel G&CC to Southwest Section
  • John M. Dunlop, PGA - from Old Works GC to Utah Section

New Quarter Century Members

  • Anthon E. Beck, PGA
  • John B. Forbis, PGA
  • Alan W. Jenkins, PGA
  • Jeffrey S. Marcum, PGA
  • Joseph C. Rauschenburg, PGA
  • David L. Shelton, PGA
  • Joseph S. Sievers, PGA
  • Donald K. Tracy, PGA

Newly Half Century Members

  • Jerry D. Asher, PGA

Is a Financial Advisor Worth the Cost?

Blake Parrish, CFP®

We believe it’s critically important to understand the price you pay, to know what you own and to understand why it’s important.


In the case of a full-service financial advisor, many focus on goals and objectives that take time, planning and ongoing coordination to accomplish.  If a financial advisor is a Certified Financial Planner®, they must  meet every requirement of the CFP board. To begin, a candidate must have 6,000 hours of professional experience or 4,000 hours of apprentice experience. The exam process can take up to seven years to complete. The exam spans over two days of testing. In 2018, the pass rate on the exam was 60%. It’s interesting to think that prior to 2013, the airline industry only required 250 hours of experience to fly a plane when the Certified Financial Planning board requires 24 times that amount to sit for their exam. Boeing is in the hot seat right now with the FAA and others to try to come up with best practices in order to prevent further 737 Max critical failures.  Planning is a complex and specialized experience personalized for the individual. The following topics cover the various areas of planning...

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"Certified Financial Planner Boardof Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, CFP® (with plaque design) and CFP® (with flame design) in the U.S., which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements."

Gold Level Sponsors
FP-gold-sponsor-NCR FP-gold-sponsor-wildhorse FP-gold-sponsor-rosauers
Holcomb-In-One Sponsors
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Silver Level Sponsors
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National Sponsors
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FP-natl-sponsor-KitchenAid FP-natl-sponsor-PGANatlResort FP-natl-sponsor-PGATour FP-natl-sponsor-pepsi
Partner-Level Sponsors
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swing caddie FP-partner-sponsor-sunice
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Copyright © 2019 Pacific Northwest PGA
Our address is PO Box 14819, Tumwater, WA 98511