CEO's Report

Creating Something New

Frank Talarico

It’s August and our season’s challenges are no less relentless.  Temperatures continue to rise, customers feel a bit more demanding, and the end is out there but not clearly in sight. As professionals in a game whose popularity has not reached this height in more than twenty years, we must persevere.  I believe it is in times like these that we are ultimately at our very best.  As one section member recently remarked, “it’s pressure that makes diamonds.”  In that theme I thought I would share a story some have surely heard, few may remember, but all of us might take inspiration from as we push through August and round the corner into the final weeks of our season.

Once upon a time a son complained to his father that his life was miserable and that he didn’t know how he was going to make it. He was tired of struggling all the time. It seemed just as one problem was solved, another one soon followed.

His father, a chef, took him to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Once the three pots began to boil, he placed potatoes in one pot, eggs in the second pot, and ground coffee beans in the third pot.

He then let them sit and boil, without saying a word to his son. The son moaned and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing.

After twenty minutes he turned off the burners. He took the potatoes out of the pot and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the boiled eggs out and placed them in a bowl. He then ladled the coffee out and placed it in a cup. Turning to his son he asked, “What do you see?”

“Potatoes, eggs, and coffee,” the son hastily replied.

“Look closer,” he said, “and touch the potatoes.” He did and noted that they were soft. He then asked his son to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, he observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked his son to sip the coffee. Its rich aroma brought a smile to his face.

“Father, what does this mean?” he asked.

The father then explained. The potatoes, the eggs and coffee beans had each faced the same adversity – the boiling water.

However, each one reacted differently.

The potato went in strong, hard, and unrelenting, but in boiling water, it became soft and weak. The egg was fragile, with the thin outer shell protecting its liquid interior, until it was put in the boiling water. Then the inside of the egg became hard.

However, the ground coffee beans were truly unique. After they were exposed to the boiling water, they changed the water and created something new.

“Which are you,” he asked his son. “When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a potato, an egg, or a coffee bean?”

Helping us “create something new” all year long are our valued Section partners. This month, I would like to ask you to join me in thanking our very good friends at Wildhorse for their 20 years of generous support!  I would also like to say “thank you” to Kim Ponti with Adidas and Robert Su with Taylor Made for their support of the 2022 Muckleshoot Casino Washington Open Invitational.  Lastly, I welcome Turtleson to our family of partners.  Turtleson and their CEO, Andy Plate, are proudly sponsoring the 2022 Arizona Sun Pro-Am.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Join us in person, September 24-26 at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center for the PNW PGA Merchandise Show. 

Register Now

As if you needed any more reason to attend…

You may have seen the Ireland Bucket List Golf Experience sweepstakes that we are running with Section sponsor, Garmany Golf. Garmany is generously offering a second Ireland Golf Experience giveaway – available exclusively to attendees of the PNW PGA Merchandise Show. Come to the show and you just may be lucky enough to win a free trip to Ireland, complete with six nights of five-star accommodations and four rounds of golf at magnificent courses, all ranked Top 100 in the UK and Ireland.

We also have an exciting education schedule planned, including:

“From Fitting on the PGA Tour to Social Media Ambassador” with Chris Trott, sponsored by TaylorMade

As always, if I or the Section staff may ever be of any service to you, never hesitate to contact us.

Frank Talarico, CEO
[email protected]

District #14 Director's Report

Doug Doxsie, PGA

On August 22nd, all PGA National Committee members, Section Executive Directors, and the PGA Board of Directors will be gathering in Frisco, Texas for a few days of “PGA Business” and to celebrate the grand opening of our new PGA Headquarters. The Pacific Northwest Section will be well represented with many of our professionals serving on a variety of national committees. While the “grand opening” ceremony will certainly be a highlight for attendees, the real benefit of the week is the gathering of committees together to share what they are working on to make our association stronger. Each committee asks the question on every decision, “does this positively impact our PGA Members’ and Associates’ lives, careers, and image?” I have been involved in PGA governance for over 30 years and I have never seen the national committee process functioning so well, making such an impact in the industry, and benefiting our golf professionals so positively. This unified effort and collaboration between all committees is producing results.

Which brings me to our Section and Chapters. Fall is generally a time when many Chapters have elections for Board positions and Committees reset their composition. The direction of our association, whether it national, section or chapter, is guided by committees and boards comprised of us, the PGA Members and Associates. I encourage anyone to get involved in your association. You all have something to offer, and we always need passionate people to help guide the business of our profession. Consider getting involved, you won’t be disappointed. The benefits beyond helping others is extensive. The connections you make, the ideas you share, the knowledge you gain about our profession are just a few things that reward you for your service. The saying that “you gain more than you ever put in” is so true. I truly feel I am a better golf professional for having served our association over the years. Reach out to your section or chapter leaders and ask them how to become involved. They will gladly assist you in finding a way to share your skills, ideas, and passion to help your fellow golf professionals.

As always, please reach out to me if you have any comments, questions, or ideas about our association.

Doug Doxsie, PGA
Seattle Golf Club
PGA District 14 Director
[email protected]

PGA Jr. League

Branden Thompson, PGA - Player Engagement Consultant

Congratulations to the following teams and captains for advancing to the National Car Rental PGA Jr. League Section Championship at Eagle Crest on August 20, 2022.  There were some great teams and, more importantly, great sportsmanship displayed at each qualifying site.  A special thanks to the facilities that hosted the qualifiers.  Those sites were:

13u Teams Advancing

17u Teams Advancing

All teams will be competing at Eagle Crest Golf Resort for the National Car Rental PGA Jr. League Section Championship.  The top two teams in each age division will advance to the Regional Championship at Canyon Springs GC in Twin Falls, ID, September 9-11.

The National Championship will be held October 5-9 at Greyhawk GC in Scottsdale, AZ.

Remember that the Gamechanger fee the players paid for your Spring/Summer program was an annual fee, which makes it really easy to get those players involved in a FALL PROGRAM. This is a great opportunity to keep the kids playing and the action rolling at your facility.  Contact me if you need help setting this up.

One-on-one Assistance

Want to  discuss PGA Jr. League or just bounce some ideas around? The following link will take you to my Calendly page where you can choose a time that works for you, and eliminate the need to email back and forth. 

Click Here to schedule

I hope to see you all soon during the fall meetings,

Branden Thompson, PGA
Player Engagement Consultant
Serving the Pacific Northwest and Southwest Sections
[email protected]

Candidate for Secretary: John Grothe

1. Managing the Section and its many programs and services during a global pandemic required flexibility and regular communication between staff and the Board of Directors.  How would you describe your ability to adjust and adapt to constantly changing, fluid environments?  Provide one example when this ability has served you well.

Hello my fellow PGA Professional,

The past 2+ years have truly been an experience for us all during this global pandemic. The global shutdown followed by the return to play was a challenge we all faced whether it be at your club, the chapter, or the section level.  We have all relied on our ability to pivot and be nimble in order to navigate the need for our community to use golf as a healthy option; returning to play in a responsible manner was a challenge we all faced together. 

During this early period of the pandemic, I am proud to have served as the Vice President of the Oregon Chapter.  Our weekly meetings (both Section and Chapter) were critical for us to understand the ever-changing landscape of the legal systems – that varied from county to county.  When the time was right, we in Oregon led the way to returning to play in our section. 

The valuable lesson I learned was the importance of communication and specifically information sharing.  All our clubs were facing unpredicted issues in simply remaining open – and in many cases in our Section – were closed for a considerable time.  In the Oregon area we created a club communication email asking for best practices in our area to best facilitate our business. This communication tool was extremely impactful for all facilities.

2. The golf industry continues to enjoy growth and sustained popularity.  Our collective future looks bright.  Identify what you believe is the single greatest opportunity we face as a Section in what would be your term in office (6 years), and how you would ensure we capitalize on that opportunity.

As we continue with unprecedented rounds, events as well as staffing shortages, the game of golf will look to us, the PGA Professional, to ensure the sustainability and continuation of the grow of the game. As an officer in the PNWPGA Section my plan is to provide tools, information and resources to directly benefit our members.  This includes PGA programs such as PGA JLG, PGA HOPE and PGA REACH.  Beyond our national platforms I look forward to energizing our Section grant program to provide necessary funds directly to our members for program support to develop and retain our consumers. 

Thank you for your time and consideration as your PNWPGA Secretary. If there is anything I can ever offer or be of service please do not hesitate to contact me. I appreciate and ask for your vote.


John Grothe, PGA | Head Professional
Oregon PGA Chapter President
Willamette Valley Country Club 
900 Country Club Place • Canby, Oregon 97013
Golf Shop: 503-266-2102 • Direct: 503-266-0140      

Candidate for Secretary: Chas Holmes

1. Managing the Section and its many programs and services during a global pandemic required flexibility and regular communication between staff and the Board of Directors.  How would you describe your ability to adjust and adapt to constantly changing, fluid environments?  Provide one example when this ability has served you well.

Let me begin by describing what adaptability is to me. It is about discovering your future or those you represent one decision at a time. It is about expected unforeseen events rather than resenting them because they are inevitable. This is about being able to stay productive when all the demands of the job and your personal life pull you in different directions. Many, if not all, PGA Golf Professionals are adaptable in some way or another. We may or may not know we are adapting, we simply just do it as part of the job. I encourage you to write down 5 ways in which you adapt to different situations personally and professionally, write them down, and share it with your teams at work and/or with your families at home. I think you will be surprised at how often and how well you are able to do this in your daily life.

My example is simple… the last 3 years of my life. In summary, this included 3 children, 3 homes, and 3 jobs. I moved across the state (twice), am learning the vast responsibilities of fatherhood, and transitioning from Golf Professional to General Management. Life as I knew it 3 years ago had quickly vanished, all priorities shifted, and I had to adapt to the changes and the demands of the new responsibilities and lifestyle. Everything I did during this process has helped me become a better person and a better leader to my team and the community with which I serve. I have no regrets and ultimately am content with every decision that was made in the process because I worked to embrace adaptability and change rather than resent and ignore it.

2. The golf industry continues to enjoy growth and sustained popularity.  Our collective future looks bright.  Identify what you believe is the single greatest opportunity we face as a Section in what would be your term in office (6 years), and how you would ensure we capitalize on that opportunity.

The single greatest opportunity is improving the lives of our Section PGA Professionals and Associates through increased wages and improved quality of life.

How do we do this? We all know golf rounds and golf facility revenue have increased significantly in the last several years. We also know that without the hard work, training, and dedication of PGA Professionals, rounds and revenue likely would not have increased the way it has. However, wages for these individuals has not increased significantly to match the rounds and revenue increases.

Why not? I think it is because our boards, owners, and communities take advantage (often unknowingly) of us as professionals and that we are undervalued in our skillset. Wages for most other service industry professionals such as servers, cooks, fast food operators, etc. have increased significantly because it was required to keep these employees at work and to keep these businesses open. Part of improving quality of life is feeling appreciated in one’s current role and this appreciation is shown through increased wages which ultimately causes less turnover.  

Therefore, to capitalize on golf’s recent boom, we must educate our communities on our value and contribution to our industries’ growth and revenue generation; helping them understand that none of it could happen without us. This will take a collaborative, intentional effort from each of us to enlighten golfers about what we do, how we impact our communities and grow the game of golf. We can start now. I encourage everyone who reads this article to explain to a member or a guest why you made a decision you did when they challenge you on it. For example, if you sell a shirt for $89.99 but they say another store sells a very similar shirt $79.99, walk them through the process of what led you to the decision to sell the shirt at that price from start to finish. You may consider logo, shipping, buying, receiving, processing, and ultimately displaying and selling the product. Many of them think the answer is simple, however, your explanation will provide them insight into what we do and ultimately provide all of us as PGA Professionals more value in their minds. When you take the time to explain the reasons behind what we do, you are helping increase the value of all your fellow PGA Professionals.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the Fall Chapter Meetings. First up, home of the Big Sky Country, Western Montana Chapter!

Chas Holmes, PGA, CMAA
General Manager
Bear Creek Country Club
13737 202nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA 98077
Office – (425) 883-4770| Mobile – (206) 550-5135
[email protected]
CWC PGA Vice President

PNW PGA Fall Education + Job Postings

Employment Opportunities

Click here to access the PNW PGA job postings

PNW PGA Fall Education

On Saturday, September 24, Monte Koch will moderate a fun and interactive panel. On Monday, September 26, PGA Tour coach Chris Trott presents a special teaching seminar. Each is designed to give you the tools to improve your career as well as provide valuable networking opportunities. Please join us in person at the Tacoma Convention Center!

“Strategies for Building Meaningful Relationships in Your Career”
moderated by Monte Koch

sponsored by Tagmarshal

Saturday, September 24  |  2:00 - 6:00 pm
Join us for a dynamic panel moderated by Monte Koch. Expected panelists include Chris Nowlen, James Hochrine, Bryan Nicholson, Caleb Hung and Mike Sizemore. Includes a snack/networking break. Topics include:

4 PGA Required PDR credits / 1 AMP education credit
Dress: golf attire | Cost: $35

Register for 9/24 Education

“From Fitting on the PGA Tour to Social Media Ambassador”
with Chris Trott

sponsored by TaylorMade

Monday, September 26  |  2:00 - 6:00 pm
In this seminar, you’ll learn valuable insights on instruction and club fitting from Chris Trott’s time on Tour— and some stories, too! We will use a hitting net and a Trackman in the demonstration. Discover how Trottie built the @trottiegolf brand and how you can apply this recipe yourself. Get the inside scoop on the latest equipment trends and learn how TaylorMade supports the PGA of America and golf professionals.

Chris Trott is a dynamic communicator from Liverpool, England. As a former professional golfer, and professional club builder for some of the game’s best, Trottie’s relationship with those athletes gives him the insider scoop.

4 PGA Required PDR credits / 1 AMP education credit
Dress: golf attire | Cost: $35

Register for 9/26 Education

Monte Koch, PGA Certified Professional, CEIP
Regional Director, Member & Section Operations
West Region | PGA of America
Partnering with PGA Sections | Career & Business Coach for PGA professionals, facilities in the PNWPGA Section

206-335-5260 | [email protected]My LinkedInMy Professional Blog

Malby Wins Senior Oregon Open

by Cameron McCauley, PNW PGA Tournament Intern

This year marked the 20th anniversary of the Senior Oregon Open Invitational hosted at Wildhorse Resort and Casino. 74 PNW PGA Professionals and 222 amateurs, for a total of 296 players, competed at Wildhorse Resort GC and The GC at Birch Creek in Pendleton, OR on July 26 and 27, with a playoff held the following morning. PGA Professional Ryan Malby of Kalispel, MT won the title in a three-hole playoff against PGA Professional Jeff Gove of The Idaho Club.

Heading into the final day of the tournament, Ryan Malby and amateur Ron Hop of Chehalem Glenn were leading the tournament with a 65, 7-under. Trailing them by one shot were PGA Professional Scott Kreiger of Emerald Valley GC and amateur Jay Poletiek of Columbia Edgewater CC with a 66, 6-under. At the end of the final round, Ryan Malby and Jeff Gove finished at 12-under, 122 to force a playoff.

After both scoring birdies on the first hole and par on the second, Malby birdied the third hole to win the Senior Oregon Open Invitational.

“It truly feels amazing to finally win another PNW Section event,” said Malby of winning his first Section senior title. “I still struggle with the fact that I am actually 50. But I am truly thrilled and blessed to still be able to play golf at a high level!”

"As I age it is incredibly important to stay fluid, flexible and strong. Jeff Coston is an absolute testament to that!" Malby elaborated, citing the importance of working with a chiropractor and masseuse weekly and staying fit.

Malby spoke upon Wild Horse Resort Golf Club and The Golf Club at Birch Creek, stating, “First and foremost, I absolutely love both courses. I feel like both courses brought out my strengths because there are a lot of short irons and wedges, and the greens are very receptive. I loved the soft lush fairways, and the greens were in incredibly great shape. So fun to putt on! There were only a couple (stressful) tee shots, so I was certainly able to freely swing the driver on most holes.”

During the championship, a pro-am competition was held concurrently. Teams consisted of one PGA Professional and three amateurs. The team led by PGA Professional Scott Krieger of Emerald Valley GC, Kevin Burnett of Wine Valley GC, Billy Anderson of Emerald Valley GC and Ron Hop of Chehalem Glenn won the two-day team competition after firing 36-under par 118-134-252 in the one gross, one net competition.

Malby commented, “It was an absolute blast to take three of my dear friends, Jon Lowry, Chuck Eble, and Jose Chirino to their first PNW PGA Section Event. We have played in so many events like this together for decades and know each other's games so well. It was just an extremely fun four days competing and playing together!”

The section would like to thank Wild Horse Resort and Casino for their 20 years of continued support in hosting this event. Special thanks go to PGA Director of Golf Professional Mike Hegarty and his golf operations staff, along with Superintendent Sean Hoolehan and his grounds crew as well as head PGA Professional Ryan Dahl of The GC at Birch Creek and his staff. We look forward to celebrating our 21st Senior Oregon Open at Wildhorse Resort and Casino next August!

Final results

Upcoming Events

The PNW PGA has three amazing destination pro-am events you can enter today. How would you like to play golf in Mexico? What about an escape to the enchanting Southwest or the tropical island of Maui? Treat yourself and your members to an unforgettable experience. We hope to see your team at a destination event in 2022-23!

PNW PGA Mexican Fiesta Pro-Am

Oct 31 - Nov 5 @ Villa Del Palmar Beach Resort & Spa/TPC Danzante Bay
Enter online

PNW PGA Arizona Sun Pro-Am

December 4-8 @ We-Ko-Pa Casino Resort
Enter online

Pelzer Golf Hawaiian Paradise Pro-Am

January 12-19, 2023
Maui, HI - Kaanapali Golf Courses
Enter online

Senior PNW PGA Professional Championship

September 8-9, 2022
Warrenton, OR - Astoria G&CC
Enter online

PNW PGA Professional Championship

September 20-22, 2022
Spokane, WA – Manito G&CC
Enter online

PNW PGA Merchandise Show

September 25-26, 2022
Tacoma, WA – Greater Tacoma Convention Center
Register now

AUGUST 15, 2022

Foreword Press
