Proudfoot, Brandon - Junior Golf Academy Utilizing Operation 36 II

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Property: Mount Si GC

Location: Snoqualmie, WA

Program Contact: Brandon Proudfoot

Contact Phone/Email: 425-888-1541, [email protected]

Name of PD Program: Junior Golf Academy Utilizing Operation 36

Type of PD Program: Junior Golf Program

Dates of Program: Year-round

Details of Program

Background: We’re focused on youth golfers and specifically working to develop a long term junior program where young players can grow up golfing and excel in our golfing community. The goal is to turn these young students into committed golfers as they grow older. Another goal is to provide a steady income stream for our instructors that’s not as affected by the weather and other conflicts that can make regular lessons less regular. Our 2-year goal is to have 100 students participating in at least 2 semesters each year.

We’ve developed a long term program called the Mount Si Junior Golf Academy with two 4-month semesters (Spring & Fall) and one 3-month semester (Winter) each year. We’re using the Operation 36 platform to help structure our program and provide additional resources to our students and instructors. Players are taught new concepts in class, given a chance to work on these things in practices and test them out on the course in matches. We also have a strong focus on recognizing student accomplishments to propel continued improvement and give students a reason to strive to be better. We track individual student results through the OP36 app and platform. We also involve parents in the program as much as we can to bring them into the golfing community that we’re creating.

A Yamaha Grant was used to help purchase 3 Sonix targets. The targets are used to enhance games and drills.

Results of Program

  • Winter 2016/17: 23 students $13,675 in gross tuition
  • Spring 2017: 44 students $33,877 in gross tuition
  • Fall 2017: 61 students $39,943 in gross tuition
  • Winter 2017/18: 58 students $24,917 in gross tuition

The Mount Si Junior Golf Academy has had a positive effect on our business and instructor income and security. In 2017 the 20 matches held by the academy have earned the golf course $8,000 in greens fee revenue at slow times in the tee sheet. There was also an estimated additional golf course spend of $5520 in merchandise, range and greens fees and an additional $9200 F&B spend. The golf course was also paid $12,100 directly from the program for their percentage of the instruction program. As lead instructor I was paid $23,686 for my percentage of the program and was able to hire high school/college helpers as well as a part time professional to help with the instruction. We collect fees as a monthly tuition so it also makes it easy to plan for the future and gives me as an instructor secure income all year in addition to my salary.


I would recommend that other professionals move from a lesson by lesson or even lesson package model into long term classes for their group lessons as you can create a loyal clientele, have a lasting impact on your students games and create some regular steady income for yourself.