Westling, Ted - "On Course" Get Golf Ready Lessons

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Property: Stone Creek GC

Location: Oregon City, OR

Program Contact: Ted Westling

Contact Phone/Email: 503-201-8709, [email protected]

Name of PD Program: "On Course" Get Golf Ready Lessons

Type of PD Program: Transition-to-the-Course

Details of Program

The importance of Get Golf Ready is to encourage new golfers. By offering a three-week class after a Get Golf Ready program, people are more inclined to continue playing golf – and to play golf at Stone Creek Golf Club.

I take out groups of three to five people and have them play a scramble format, taking what shot I pick for them to play. This way they learn many different shots that may not be learned on the driving range and putting green. Play takes place using the family tees or up tees. Playing a scramble format with a friend, until they feel comfortable on the course, makes golf a more enjoyable experience.

I reduced their rates from $120 a session to $90 a session using a Yamaha Player Development Grant.

Participants were also offered a reduced rate card that can be used to play for $5 green fees and a $5 cart fee at the end of the day.

Results of Program

We had 19 participants in the first year of the program. These students have continued to take lessons. We have extra play at the end of the day due to the reduced rate card.


This program is a win-win. The students have greater chance of becoming golfers and the course has new loyal customers.