Avoiding the Dog Days as a PGA Pro

Are you looking forward to rainy days? Do you wish October would get here? If you’re like me, it’s likely that you are now at (or near) that particular point in the golf season when your tank is nearing empty. You may feel like you’re running on fumes. I’m not saying it is bad to feel this way—actually, I believe it’s quite natural. The question is: what do we do about it?

If you’re feeling the “dog days” of the season, and you’re looking for a listening ear or a little encouragement, please reach out to me via phone or email. Let me also help by sharing with you the successes that some of our fellow PGA Members have had this season. In each case, I feel a strong sense of pride as their colleague, but more importantly, I AM INSPIRED by their efforts, creativity and
entrepreneurial attitude.

Grothe-150x150John Grothe, PGA
Oregon Golf Assoc GC
Woodburn, OR

  •   Success #1 – Get Golf Ready (GGR): With support from the OGA Board of Directors and Barb Trammel, PGA, Grothe upped the ante in 2013 by creating three “flex” sessions of GGR for Spring, Summer and Fall. The package is comprised of 8 lessons, including 3 “on-course experiences,” a range punch card and an annual OGA Membership. Averaging 50+ per session, Grothe and three other staff teach at multiple class times so students can have ultimate flexibility to move through the program at their preferred pace.
  •   Success #2 – Get Golf Ready Outreach: The OGA Golf Course partnered with Chemeketa Community College, reaching out to a non-traditional audience of minorities and women. This resulted in an average of 15 students per term.

Grothe says: “At the OGA, we see it as critical to our OGA membership… to be leaders and good neighbors in growing the game. We ask our students [who come from as far away as Gresham and Hillsboro] which course is closest to them so that we may introduce them to another Golf Professional to keep them enjoying the game. We see GGR as a great way to also sustain the long term health of the OGA by growing our membership base one
at a time. Including the OGA Annual Membership is key to this effort.”

“Becoming a coach for so many interesting people, helping them learn how to feel comfortable and competent oncourse—it’s inspired me to enjoy the game even more
and work harder on my own game so I can be authentic in leading them to love it too.”

Kathy Gildersleeve-Jensen, PGA
Indian Canyon GC
Spokane, WA

  • Success #1 – Website Upgrade Efforts: Using GPMA as a website
  • hosting service, KGJ has seen uptick in traffic, communication with students and potential students
  •  Success #2 – Use of the Active.com tool: Kathy found this free, online PGA tool has helped her reach more families, whose decision makers are typically women. “With my website and with Active.com working together, more of my customers (especially moms) get the whole story of what is offered. That’s what Mom wants. She has to match the family schedule with programs that are offered. Active is perfect for this, plus she can register at home, when it’s convenient for her. Active is great for groups because I can get right to teaching, and not waste time collecting data and chasing checks.”
  •  Success #3 – Get Golf Ready: Kathy successfully offered GGR programs via Indian Canyon and separately through Spokane City Parks at two different price points. Even at a lower price point through the City, Kathy engaged more customers and realized increased income and value from these initially lower priced offerings…this does not include the value to Indian Canyon.

Gildersleeve-Jensen says: “Using GPMA as a website promotional partner and Active.com as a complete registration tool has been huge for me this year. I’ve found great success doing group lessons and doing a full schedule of them…creating more options for customers is a key.”

“I want to engage them [new golfers] and sell them on the value of being part of a village of golfers promoting the game they now love.”

Kudos to these professionals, who have taken steps to lead at their facility and become highly valuable golf professionals. There are many more I could highlight, including two more that I will be featuring next month. If you’ve got a “highlight” you’d like to share with me, or one from a colleague, bring it on! I’d love to hear about it and tell the story.

My mission as a PDRM is: “Provide my customers with the tools and resources to implement a complete coaching program that INCREASES INCOME, CREATE NEW JOBS and BUILDS JOB SECURITY. Please let me know how I can help you in any way: 206-335-5260 / [email protected]

Kind regards,
Monte Koch
Player Development Regional Manager

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