Are You Getting the Credit You’ve Earned?

It’s Time to Take the Credit You’ve Earned

There’s no doubt that the 2015 golf season was a good one. The mild winter weather brought the feeling of spring, and then spring came early. Spring then gave way to what some say is the best summer weather in more than a quarter century here in the Pacific Northwest… and then it kept going until mid-October. Indeed, it has been a very long season.

It’s in these very long seasons that PGA golf professionals both win and suffer.

  • Win/Suffer #1: Rounds and revenues are up all over the place, but with lean budgets, professionals have worked a lot of long days/weeks this season… and it started early, and ended late.
  • Win/Suffer #2: Again, rounds and revenue are up, but from the outside (in the eyes of employers, owners and members) it looks like the success of the facility came from the good weather, the long season, etc. This truly bothers me as it can mean the PGA Professional doesn’t get the value and credit they’ve earned during this long season.
  • Win/Suffer #3: Along with increased rounds and revenue, and the longer season, I hope that you experienced more income from teaching, coaching and from sales of equipment. If you’re married, have kids, the “suffer” here is in the cost that came for you are from the long days/hours/weeks. You paid a cost here (and so did your spouse/your family).

Unfortunately, this “win/suffer” cycle has been the norm in our business for several decades. When the weather is poor and the season is short, PGA professionals still win it seems we don’t have to work so hard. But then the suffer kicks in, as revenues can’t support the team of PGA professionals in place (so salaries are cut, professionals have been laid off).

You’re likely thinking, “Dude, it’s already gray and raining…why are you bringing me down?” Sorry for bringing it up, but I feel I had to. Without this harsh view of the status quo (I’m hoping you don’t want it to stay this way, like me) why would any of us want it to change? That’s right, until you or I are utterly fed up with the status quo, we will be satisfied to stay right there! (The same goes for our team, teammates, employer, owner.)

So, now comes the question: ARE YOU DISSATISFIED WITH THE STATUS QUO? If your answer is yes, and you want to start getting down to the business of making a new reality for you, your career… then read on Pro!

Three Key Ways To Start Getting The Credit (And The Leverage) You Need To Get The Most Value Out Of Being A PGA Professional

1. COMPLETE a Revenue Scorecard

This month, the PGA Player Development team is unveiling an updated, simplified version of this great tool. This new version has been completely reformatted for you to be able to complete via your mobile device quickly and easily. Once you put your numbers (separate versions for public and private facilities available) into this “logic driven survey web tool,” it will complete a strong, clear report for you to present to your employer, your Board, etc. (I’m here to help too!)


2. Prove You Understand Your True Role

Do you see yourself as an “order-taker” or a “server” in your role? More importantly, does your employer feel that you see it that way? (If they do, they may see you as overly self-interested. If they do, that’s not good as they may also view you as an expense).


  • If you see your role is to be a “Super Engager” of golfers, you can then be about proving your value and your intent to push
  • If we go back to the beginning of the article, we must understand that many in the golf industry (including some PGA professionals) believe that the key “lag measures” in the bottom-line results/revenue category as “happening on their own.” Let’s be clear, here. This is not how it works. Engagement activities and programs (called “lead measures”) drive the lag measures we can revenue streams at our public and private facilities.
  • A “Super Engager” Golf Professional is uniquely positioned to be the “MVP” and/or build a team of MVPs to drive these key lag measures that drive the facility success, and frankly our entire industry. If you don’t like your status quo, this seems like a great alternative.

3. Prove Your Value to the Bottom Line

  • The most effective way to prove your value is (and that of your team/teammates) to show you are about engagement with your customers/members. Engagement is a means to an end in the golf business, because more engaged customers/members are simply:
    • More frequent golfers (as much as 20% more rounds in next 12 months)
    • Better food and beverage customers (as much as 65% more spending)
    • Better golf shop customers (as much as 79% more)
    • More loyal customers, more loyal members (and advocates for our facilities)

If you are driving engagement, and the number of rounds, revenue and memberships are up. You need to report what you’re doing to drive engagement. If you leave it up to the old “win/suffer cycle,” the stinkin’ meteorologist may get the credit instead.

So, let me help you (and your team) get the credit you (and your team/teammates) have rightfully earned. If you need a boost or a bit of help in one of these (or something similar) areas, this is why I am here. I want to not only help you get the credit you’ve earned for 2015. I hope to help you build your complete “engagement plan and calendar” for maximum success (and value) in 2016.

Monte Koch, Certified PGA Professional/Player Development
Player Development Regional Mgr/Mentor**
PGA of America (Greater Seattle/PacNW PGA Section)
Email: [email protected]  Cell: 206/335-5260

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