November 2017 President’s Report

I am proud of our organization.

As the President of our Section’s organization I have been involved in its governance for more than 9 years.  I have followed many great leaders and servants to our membership.  I have been involved in many great programs, but none have been more important to our organization than the recent adoption of the Strategic Plan.  Yes, you have heard me talk about this before, but the importance of the clear direction and operations of our organization has never been better.  The Board’s job is to help develop and approve the Strategic and Business Plans and then allow the CEO and his staff to execute on it while holding them accountable to those plans.  Your Section Board is laser-focused on the engagement of themselves, the alignment of the six business entities in our Section and the accountability of the Organizational Chart.  We have developed a successful governance model and your Board and your Staff are “all in”.

At the recent Annual Meeting in Tacoma we delivered a report on our operations and how your dues are working for you.  If you weren’t in attendance, I encourage you to view a PDF of the presentation that Marlena has put on the Section website.

One of the most impressive things that I have witnessed in my first year as President is the work ethic of your CEO.  The Strategic and Business plans are not delivered by your Board but by your staff and under the guidance of their leader, Jeff Ellison.  Jeff always acts in the best interest of the Section Member first.  He is responsible for employees and business plans in five Chapters and the Section.  A daunting task for any of us and he makes it look effortless.  We all work a lot, Jeff is right there with anyone in our Section for commitment and effort to their job.  Thank you Jeff, for your tireless work to our Section and Chapter members, it is very much appreciated.

We still have many ways to improve; under the guidance of our Strategic Plan and its Mission Statement “To Serve our Members and Grow the Game,” we will develop even better alignment and plans to enhance your membership and development of our Professionals as the leaders in the game and business of golf.

Next time you encounter a Chapter or Section staff member, thank them.  They have worked hard on your behalf and will continue to be challenged by the Board to develop and execute on the plans for our business.  One of my favorite quotes is “failing to plan is planning to fail”.  Rest assured that your leadership is engaged in planning in order to deliver the most out of your membership.

If I can ever do anything for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.


Greg Manley, PGA
President, PNWPGA
[email protected]


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