September 2018 President’s Report

Association Governance

I get asked quite a bit, “how do you have time to be the President of the Section and do your job?”  It always makes me chuckle when I get asked that because honestly it isn’t that hard and doesn’t require that “enormous” amount of time that people might think it does, it simply requires engagement.  Why am I writing about this?  I think there is a stigma that serving your association won’t allow you time with your family, or time to do your job at a high level. How many of you are on the fence and don’t want to do it because of “time”?

Now that our busy time is behind us why don’t you consider serving?  The cliché about your get more out of serving that you give is the truest statement about serving your association.  We need more leaders in our Chapters, Sections and at the National Level.  It has to start somewhere, how about with you?  One of my favorite lines about my service is “if I don’t do it, who will and if I don’t do it now, then when”?

Fall elections are right in front of us, call me or email me if you want more information about serving your association.  Call any of the Section officers, call our CEO or any Chapter staff member.  They can walk you through the process and the time commitment. I promise you it will enhance your career, make you friends and connections that you would otherwise never realized and be one of the most rewarding things you could do in your career.  The association always needs new leaders, we need you!

This time of year is also a time for our awards process, your awards committees at the Chapter level and then Section level will be working hard to identify the best and the brightest.  The process, which changed almost 6 years ago now, is connected to the national award winners we have had, most recently Cameron Milton and Mark Rashell.  Congratulations to both of them and I look forward to your award ceremonies at the Annual Meeting in November.  Please make your nominations to your Chapter Chairperson.  Be part of the process, make your association better.


Thank you,

Greg Manley, PGA
President, PNWPGA
Meridian Valley CC
[email protected]

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