I have asked you to consider these questions before: How is your career doing? Or do you feel like you’ve just got a job? Either way, there is always more for you in your career or there’s a way to make it more than just a job. Maybe we can get there together?

Our agency is like the rudder we thrust into the seas to direct our vessels to our chosen destinations. There are four different aspects of our agency that help us achieve our goals, according to Stanford University psychology professor Albert Bandura. (Michael Hyatt)
ARE YOU THE PILOT, OR ARE YOU JUST A PASSENGER? It’s a great question. And, we all need to be asking it. Not just once or twice during our career, but probably once or twice a season. For a great perspective on the question – specifically on utilizing “the power of agency,” visit this article by Michael Hyatt here: https://michaelhyatt.com/pilot-or-passenger/
A simple, obvious way for you to utilize “the power of agency” is within your CareerLinks Profile.
In the past several months, I have had this conversation (or something very close to it.) Pro1 says: “Why didn’t I get that job posting?” Or, I find out they were interested in opportunities in a certain Section, or in a specific career role, and I knew of an opportunity they would, in fact, liked to apply for.
Regarding your CareerLinks Profile – we on the PGA Career Services team know your work experience, where you’ve worked and period of time you were employed at each facility. But, the other Career Consultants and I don’t really know what your “employment preferences” are (especially if you don’t keep your CareerLinks Profile updated.) When we meet with golf professionals in our markets, we collect data on these preferences, but we don’t have it on the majority of our professionals.
When you annually update, you’re helping the Career Services team help you. In the profile survey, simple, but very important questions I need to help you with your career (that are key to the Execusearch tool that powers each of our CareerLinks position postings:)
- What is your “employment (job title) preference?” (Your top preference is #1, followed by 4 others you would consider doing)
- What is your “preferred facility type?” (eg. Private, Resort, DailyFee/Pub/Muni, etc.)
- Will you relocate outside your current Section?
- Will you relocate (or consider it) to any other Section?
- What are your top seven (ranked) Sections you would relocate to? (Note: don’t list your current Section.)
- Are you interested in RFP, ownership and/or leasing opportunities?
Less than One-Third of PNW professionals are up to date. Earlier in April 2019, I was given data about the “last time” every one of our PNWPGA professionals (in active classifications) completed an update on their CareerLinks Profile. Frankly, I was shocked at what I found when I did a little sorting. Here is a snapshot to the right:
Are you in the “red zone?” If you are, maybe you need to consider being more of a “pilot” of your own career? (Are you in the “orange zone?” There’s really not much of a difference between orange and red here.)
Maybe you are thinking, “I’ve got a great job, I am going to work here until I retire…I’m all set.” Well, let me tell you a story.
I know a PGA professional, a very good one. Incredibly well respected by his ownership, his staff, in his PGA chapter, Section and even around the whole of the Association. He was “all set” in a job, a location and facility that he loved (and the feeling was mutual.)
Then, his ownership decided to sell the Club/resort that he had been working at for about 20 years. Soon after the sale closed, the new ownership decided they didn’t need him to be the general manager/lead golf professional at the facility. In fact, they eliminated his position. He went from “all set” to “all shook up.”
His advice to me (paraphrased,) “…no PGA professional should be smug…no one is all set, because change is inevitable and sometimes it’s not the change we want or expect. I’m going to share my story in my Section, in my Chapter because our PGA peers need to stay vigilant with their career…getting stronger with professional development, but also staying vigilant on their CareerLinks profile.”
If you’d like advice on how to edit your CareerLinks Profile, how to answer the survey questions so that you get the most information on opportunities based on your employment preferences, I would like the opportunity to help you.
How can I help you with your CareerLinks Profile, or help you with your career plan?
As your Career Consultant, and your business coach, this is my goal. I hope to help you find job satisfaction, greater career stability and increased income and help you progress in your career. I look forward to the chance to learn more about you, your facility and your career vision.
Monte Koch, PGA Certified Professional/Player Development | Career Consultant
PGA Career Services | PGA of America
Serving PGA professionals, employers in the Pacific NW & Rocky Mountain PGA Sections
Email: [email protected] Cell: 206/335-5260