I would like to start my article by wishing each of you a Happy Holiday Season. For me, the holidays represent time I get to spend friends and family ‒ away from work. I hope you get to spend some quality time with your loved ones this season as well.
Your officers recently returned from the annual meeting in Florida. In the November 15th Foreword Press article our Section CEO, Jeff Ellison, recapped the meeting and thanked our outgoing district director Don Rea for his three years of service to the Pacific Northwest and Southwest Section. I would like to echo Jeff’s appreciation of Don’s service and dedication, and I look forward to working with our new district 14 director, Doug Doxsie, for the next two years.
December is award season for our five chapters. I want to thank Howie Pruitt, our Section’s Awards Chair, and the Awards Committee for their hard work in determining the best and the brightest in our five chapters. To me, each of these PGA Professionals are true ROCKSTARS in their respective and communities. Congratulations to all!
- Central Washington Award Winners
- Inland Empire Award Winners
- Oregon Award Winners
- Western Montana Award Winners
- Western Washington Award Winners
“Serve the Member and Grow the Game.”
What does that phrase mean to you? At my club, we have our own mission statement: “To provide a premium golf experience.” These past two weeks I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time thinking about the importance of a mission statement. A mission statement (or purpose statement) is a guiding light or lens by which you use to plot a course of action. As our Employment Consultant Monte Koch would say, your mission is your WHY ‒ it’s why we EXIST!
Your Section Board will convene in early December for our winter planning session. We use our time to approve our 2020 operational budget, preview our 2020 business plan, update the health and welfare of our five chapters, and connect with our section committees. I can assure you that every decision we make and every action we take will be done with one phrase in mind; serve each of you and grow golfers at your facility.
Happy Holidays,
Sean Fredrickson
Head PGA Professional – Oswego Lake Country Club
PNW PGA President
Callaway Master Staff Professional