Northwest Open Invitational – Late Entries Available

We are still accepting entries for the Northwest Open Invitational at Wine Valley GC, August 19-21. Chris Isaacson, PGA is excited to host this year and invites you to take part of this historic championship. We have a few spots left, so get your entry in if you haven’t already. You will play all three days – the event is a 54-hole stroke play, no cut championship!

Addtionally, we have a few team spots left in the Northwest Open Pro-Am benefiting Folds of Honor. Join us August 17-18 for a fun competition to support a great cause.

 “The Northwest Open is a great event! It’s such a great way to end the year of our four majors. Wine Valley is so much fun to play and has led to a lot of exciting finishes. I know I look forward to playing there, and I am sure all the other players do too.” – Derek Berg

pro online entry | pro entry (pdf) | amateur online entry | amateur entry (pdf) | pro-am details & entry

A Fun & Historic Event

The history of the Northwest Open is a significant part of golf in the Pacific Northwest. The early years were dominated by Seattle Golf Club’s Robert Johnstone (who won 8 of the first 10 events) and “Long Jim” Barnes.  Barnes, the professional at Tacoma C&GC from 1911 – 1915, won the first two PGA Championships (1916, 1919) in addition to the 1921 U.S. Open and the 1925 British Open!  Spokane’s Marvin “Bud” Ward captured six championships over a 22 year span, five as an amateur and his last as a professional.  Bud was also a National Amateur champion and may have won a few more but for the lack of championships during WWII.

Last year, PGA Professional Shane Prante of The Home Course successfully defended his title. Prante’s 200 total matched his 2017 score and made him the first back-to-back Northwest Open Champion in 12 years. Nick Mandell won Low Amateur honors.

CLICK HERE to see the complete list of champions.

Pro-Am Benefits Folds of Honor

New this year, join the Pro-Am Benefiting Folds of Honor on August 17-18. The Northwest Open Pro-Am will pair four amateurs with a PGA professional to enjoy two days of golf with carts at Wine Valley Golf Club. On Saturday evening the cocktail party, dinner and auction will raise important funds for Folds of Honor. Players will receive tee gifts, two rounds of golf with carts, two hosted meals, on course beverages and compete for a nice prize fund. To ensure the entire field enjoys the tournament, the schedule calls for just one 145 player shotgun each day. The Shamble competition will allow players of all abilities to support Folds of Honor, while maintaining a competitive environment.

Click here for more details

Wine Valley Golf Club

Wine Valley Golf Club has been rated “One of The Top Three Golf Courses to Play in Washington” by Golfweek and has been awarded many other honors since opening in 2009. This stunning Dan Hixson design unfolds on a grand scale, playing over rolling hills in the shadow of the Blue Mountains.  Wine Valley GC has broad fairways, dramatic bunkers, and bold, undulating putting surfaces.

Wineries and More

Thanks to a truly unique combination of climate, character, charm and culture, the Walla Walla Valley has become home to one of the finest wine regions in the nation, with more than 100 wineries and 2,800 acres of grapes:

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