The Section was founded in the first week of March, 1922 and now manages nearly 1,200 PGA Members and Associates who are employed at over 340 golf facilities in Washington, Oregon, northern Idaho, western Montana and Alaska.
The first president of the Pacific Northwest PGA was Robert Johnstone, who served until 1929. In the twenties, there was no better-known golfer in the Pacific Northwest than Johnstone.
The news clipping here is from Sunday, March 12, 1922 in the News Tribune (Tacoma), which changed its name that August to the Tacoma News Tribune. It reads:
“The Pacific Northwest Professional Golfers Association came into real being last week when, at a meeting of a dozen professionals of the Northwest district, a permanent organization was effected and plans outlined for their first annual championship tournament. Forty-two professional golfers of the Pacific Northwest were enrolled at the meeting. Robert Johnstone, dean of the professional body of the Pacific Coast—he hasn’t left the Coast since coming from North Berwick, Scotland, 22 years ago—was elected first president of the association. His assistant at the Seattle Golf [Club], Fred Henwood, was elected secretary treasurer.“Although such details as a bylaws and constitution are yet to be perfected, the P.N.P.G.A. is not letting such matters hold it back from preparing for their first championship, nor are they satisfied to let the membership of 42 on the charter roll stand at that figure. They are going to comb the entire district embraced in the scheme of the Pacific Northwest Golf Association for members of their craft to affiliate with them.
“The detail of annual dues, for carrying on the affairs of the association and looking after occasional professionals who may be in need of temporary relief, has been arranged. Eventually the association will affiliate with the parent body of the country, the Professional Golfers Association of [America].
“In the meantime President Johnstone is drafting a letter which will be submitted to the tournament and revision committees having in charge the annual P.N.G.A. championships at Victoria, B.C., June 5-10.”
The 1922 Pacific Northwest Open Championship (now called the Northwest Open Invitational) took place at Royal Colwood GC in Victoria, B.C., and our first Section champion was David Black. Royal Colwood GC was also the site of the PNGA Championships later that summer.
Learn more about Robert Johnstone, the Pacific Northwest PGA’s first president.