Happy holidays! I trust you had an amazing Thanksgiving surrounded by family and friends.
I write this following the winter planning session at We Ko Pa Resort in Arizona. It’s been a rewarding time reviewing our section’s business and planning for the upcoming year. I’m consistently impressed by the leadership in each of our chapters and the Section Board, and I would like to give a heartfelt thanks to my fellow officers for their hard work in 2023.
Our chapters and section are concluding a successful year, overcoming challenges and thriving financially. Under Frank’s leadership, the staff has excelled, showcasing their talents in their responsibilities. The winter planning session covered our tournament program, education and mentoring efforts, PGA Reach programming, including PGA Jr. League and PGA HOPE, as well as our section business.
We also had the pleasure of connecting with our partners in District 14. The Southwest Section and the Pacific Northwest Section have developed a strong relationship in recent years. Their Section president, Steve Leonard, and our District Director, Jeff Lessig, were wonderful hosts. Mr. Lessig has done a good job of representing two of the largest sections in the country at the national board level.
Looking ahead, I’m excited about the opportunities for our foundation in the next several years. The transformation of our PNW PGA Junior Fund into the Pacific Northwest PGA Foundation provides an umbrella for all our PGA player development programs and support specialized programs in the Pacific Northwest Section, like PGA JAM and the Freddy Foundation.
As we wrap up a successful season, I hope you have had outstanding success this year. Golf is thriving in the Pacific Northwest and we’re fortunate to be PGA Professionals and ambassadors for the game. I am very blessed to serve as your Section President. I wish you a Merry Christmas and hope you get quality time with your family as we close out 2023.
Best wishes for a blessed holiday season,
Chris M. Nowlen, PGA