August 2017 President’s Report

This has been a great summer. The weather has been incredible and hopefully all of you are experiencing prosperous seasons! I’ve had the pleasure to witness many great things happen this summer in this game.

PGA Junior League is an incredible product and the kids absolutely love it. The parents love it, too, and the passion they have for their kids and for the game is an advantage to you and your facility. We have 48 kids in our program here at MVCC (which is nothing compared to the 70+ that Cameron Milton had in his program in Polson Bay, MT!). Of those kids, we had four families join the club after they realized the great things we do for kids and the game. That’s four families who didn’t know about MVCC and are now enjoying being part of our family because of PGA Junior League.

Another great opportunity provided by the PGA is Drive, Chip and Putt. This program continues to draw the interest of both kids and adults, and hosting one of the local qualifiers is a privilege. You can use PGA Junior League or Drive, Chip and Putt as an opportunity to create golf clinics, or you can get creative.

Carissa Simmons, PGA, here at MVCC created a series of classes this spring and summer titled “Hit and Giggle”. The specific target was the unengaged spouse of the golfing member. This group quite honestly is intimidated by the whole atmosphere of the course and the game with its many traditions. “Hit and Giggle” was the single most influential series of clinics here MVCC and really moved the needle on business, too. These ladies learned from an amazing PGA Professional whom they immediately connected with and felt comfortable with. They now are regular participants on the range and play golf on a regular basis.  More importantly they, their kids and spouses are at the club more often, playing, eating and enjoying everything their membership has to offer. All because a PGA professional cared about them being involved and made it happen. Nice job, Carissa!

There are plenty of ways for you to be an amazing PGA Professional. The PGA of America provides many opportunities that you can take advantage of, such as PGA Junior League or Drive, Chip and Putt.  Or you can blaze your own trail in your own unique way, just like Carissa Simmons did. It’s all about the game for us every day, and it’s all about us making the game more enjoyable to our customers. I have been inspired by many of you in our Section, thank you! Keep being amazing, innovative and making golf the best game on the planet.

Hopefully I will see many of you at the NW Open or our Section Championship. Please don’t forget to make time to play, promote and teach, it’s at the core of every one of us!



Greg Manley, PGA
President, PNWPGA
[email protected]

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