PGA Junior League Season Update

Branden Thompson – Regional League Manager

The 2018 PGA Jr. League season is ramping up.  All of the leagues are either playing or about to start.  We’d love to help spread the word among our social media channels and get you program some more exposure.  Use @PGAJrLeague in your posts to get them noticed.  The hashtag this year is #gamechanger, so use that as much as possible.  If you aren’t active in the social media sphere, email photos and stories to me and I’ll pass them along.

Post Season Update

Each eligible league may send one All Star team to post season play.  All Star rosters consist of 10 players, representing all the teams in the league.  More information can be found in the Captain’s Guide regarding All Star team make up.  Rosters are due to your Regional League Manager by July 31st.

All Star teams representing their league will play in one of the local qualifiers.   The qualifiers will be assigned base on geographic location, while trying to balance the number of teams at each one.   Qualifier location will be assigned by July 1st.

All qualifiers take place August 11-12 at the following locations:

  • Zone 1 – Skagit G&CC, Burlington, WA
  • Zone 2 – Meadow Park Golf Course, Tacoma, WA
  • Zone 3 – Jefferson Park Golf Course, Seattle, WA
  • Zone 4 – Trysting Tree Golf Course, Corvallis, OR
  • Zone 5 – Glendoveer Golf and Tennis, Portland, OR
  • Zone 6 – Cental Washington and Central Oregon leagues will play locally on either August 4th or 5th with the winning teams from each area playing each other on August 11th or 12th at a site TBD.
  • Zone 7 – Avondale Golf Course, Hayden Lake, ID
  • Zone 8 – Polson Bay Golf Course, Polson, MT

The winner of each qualifier will advance to the PGA Jr. League PNW Section Championship August 25-26 at Eagle Crest Golf Resort in Redmond, Oregon. 


Captains and Coaches will receive three MSR’s for their involvement in PGA Jr. League.  You must have registered as a Captain or a Coach to receive the MSR’s and they can’t be retroactively issued.  MSR’s for this season of PGA Jr. League will be issued in the upcoming cycle.  If you need them issued in the current cycle, we can do that.  Please make that request via email to me at [email protected], with the subject line “PGA Jr. League MSR Request”.


Please use this infographic ( ) to access resources for PGA Jr. League.  There are links to game day materials, marketing materials, the Captain’s Guide and the Conditions of Play.  We’ve added a lot of different items this year to make running your matches easier.  You can print scorecards, scoreboards, and other items that should cut your match preparation time down significantly.

PGA Jr. League App

Promote the use of the app this year.  It can be downloaded from your respective app stores by searching for PGA Jr. League.  It is a great way to schedule your games and practices, communicate with parents, get RSVP’s from players, and score games.  By using the scoring function you can update matches as they are taking place so parents can follow along.  When the game is over you can finalize it right from the app.  The score will post to the website, so you don’t have to go to your computer to enter it.


 Good luck with your season and let me know how I can help.

(503) 869-2827

[email protected]

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