PNW PGA “Stay Involved” Education – You Can’t Make This Up

February 16, 2022 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Molly Cooper

PNW PGA “Stay Involved” Education Series

You Can’t Make This Up—Rules of Golf Situations That Have Happened at Your Club

Kathy Brown, PGA shares her rules of golf knowledge in this 60-minute “Stay Involved” education webinar. Please submit your rules of golf situations now by emailing Kathy at [email protected]. We will refresh our rules of golf knowledge together and hear some great stories!

Kathy is the recipient of the 2015, 2016 and 2019 PNW PGA Perry Williams Award and serves on the National PGA Rules Committee.

This webinar will be held via Google Meet. Receive 1 PGA Required MSR or 1/2 AMP Education Credit for attending.

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