Jeff Lessig, PGA
National Director, District 14
PGA Section Delegates attending the 107th PGA Annual Meeting at our new Home in Frisco, Texas November 7-10 will consider two constitutional Resolutions as presented by the PGA of America Board of Directors.
Resolution 1
Subject: Addition of A-25 Classification
Addition of the A-25 classification for current or Past Presidents, Chairs or CEO’s who are member professionals of PGA Recognized Professional Golf Associations which have been approved by the PGA Board of Directors for the earning of credits and permission of completion of the PGA PGM examination requirements without seminar attendance and have been ratified by the Board of Directors for PGA of America Membership.
PGA Board of Directors by policy will retain control over (i) the process for determining timing of eligibility, (ii) eligible positions (i.e., applicable “Recognized PGA’s” and the relevant positions from such entities), and (iii) the election ratification process, through the A-25 Regulation.
Discussion: The PGA of America is a member of the PGA World Alliance, a collaborative group of PGA Associations that includes PGA Australia, Canada, Europe, Germany, Great Britain and Ireland, Japan, South Africa and Sweden. In recent years, our president has been granted full membership rights in those allied associations. This Resolution will create new classification that will ultimately contain very few Members and will establish a reciprocal relationship beginning only with PGA GBI. It is largely ceremonial but does help cement a united relationship among PGAs worldwide amid a time of unrest in golf globally. Our Board retains full control over the process for entry.
Resolution 2
Subject: PGA of America Fiscal Management
The Board of Directors is proposing a one-time $25 dues increase for all Active Member Classifications (Class A and MP) and all Associate Classifications. Additionally, the Board of Directors is seeking an amendment to allow the Board of Directors the ability to increase National dues by up to 3% annually. Any dues increase of more than 3% would require an amendment to the PGA Constitution and Bylaws, or approval by the Delegates.
PGA of America National dues were last increased in 1983, forty years ago. But that fact alone is not sufficient reason to increase them now.
However, it is instructive to examine the contrast in the strength of our Association then vs. now and there is simply no comparison to the value of PGA Membership being delivered to our Members today as compared to earlier years.
Consistent with our not-for-profit mission, funding and programming being provided to Sections, and thereby being made available indirectly to Members through PGA of America sources and programming is at a historic, unprecedented high.
What value do we receive for our Membership dues? Consider:
- ADP Section funding
- Level 1, 2 and 3 funding for Section operations didn’t exist in 1983. Those funds collectively can reach $230,000 per Section annually which benefits all Section Members.
Other centralized outreach programs provided by our Association that can generate income for Association Members include:
- PGA Career Services
- PGA Career Consultants
- PGA Player Development Specialists
- PGA Coach
- PGA Junior League
- PGA Team Golf
- PGA Family Golf
- PGA Drive Chip & Putt
- PGA Deferred Compensation
- PGA Golf Retirement Plus
Chief Operating Officer Craig Kessler, Vice President Don Rea and our Budget Committee are fully engaged in managing our financial condition now and in planning for our long-term viability. Our corporate move from Palm Beach Gardens to our new Home in Frisco has caused an increased focus on corporate efficiency and long-range financial planning.
Acknowledging the need for transparency, a PGA Audited Financial Statement is available on > Governance > Financial Statements for any Member that wishes to take a deep dive into our sources of revenue and associated expenses.
Additionally, research shows that 68% 0f PGA Members’ dues are paid by employers. The PGA Board of Directors is fully empowered to raise National dues, however, it was decided to take this decision to the Section Delegates for approval.
As District 14 Director, I hope you will join me with your support of both Resolutions which, again, have been fully studied and approved by the PGA Board of Directors.