Hall of Fame

PNW PGA Hall of Fame

The Pacific Northwest Section established a Hall of Fame in 1981 for the purpose of honoring and perpetuating the memory of those persons who have distinguished themselves by their contribution to the section and the game of golf. Criteria and method for nomination can be found here or in the By-Laws of the Pacific Northwest Section. If you believe there is a Section Member who meets criteria set forth in the PNWPGA Bylaws and would like that person to be considered by the committee, please contact any committee member listed here.

Visit the PNWPGA History Wiki to learn more about our Hall of Fame members.

Hall of Fame Members

Hall of Fame Committee

Doug DoxsieChair[email protected]
Tim Bakker Western Montana[email protected]
Paul CobleighCentral Washington[email protected]
Jim PikeWestern Washington[email protected]
Steve PrughInland Empire [email protected]
Bryan TunstillOregon[email protected]
Roger WallaceAt-Large[email protected]
Les BlakleyAt-Large[email protected]
Dan HillAt Large[email protected]
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