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Navigating Compensation Trends in the Golf Industry: A 2023 Perspective

What a season we’ve had in 2023! According to the insights from The Pellucid Perspective in October 2023, we’ve seen a return to normal weather in September, and Golf Market Research Center (GMRC) subscribers have reported positive metrics across most of our key performance indicators. It’s safe to say that “the party continues for the golf … Read more

Leveraging a PGA Professional’s “Three Pillars” for Success (Part 2: Recruitment)

In the last article, I shared the resonating comment that my mentor, Gus Jones, PGA often said to me, “…these people join this club first, because of the access, the course conditioning and possibly because of the recognition…but THEY STAY BECAUSE OF US.” Then, I unpacked the meaning of THEY STAY BECAUSE OF US as … Read more

Leveraging a PGA Professional’s “Three Pillars” for Success (Part 1: Retention)

Can you believe it? It’s been three years since the COVID-19 shutdowns helped instigate the “Boom” (or at least “The Bump”) in the golf industry. During that time, all golf facilities saw significant growth in utilization, and many also saw revenue increases. Private clubs that had been seeking new members filled up and suddenly had … Read more

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