player development

Paradox Series VI: The Icarus Paradox

The Icarus Paradox. Like me, Conor Neill was inspired by Sahil Bloom’s tweet series about the most powerful paradoxes of life. Neill summarized the Icarus Paradox concisely as: “Icarus crafted wings—but flew too close to the sun, so they melted and he fell to his death. What makes you successful can lead to your downfall. … Read more

Paradox Series VI: The News Paradox

Inspired by Sahill Bloom & Tyler Wise It’s possible that as you read this, you are very busy, if not overwhelmed, with a list of urgent to-do’s to deal with. Welcome to modern living, where we seemingly have everything we could possibly need, but not enough of what we could really use: peace and joy. … Read more

Paradox Series V: The Productivity Paradox

Back in the 90s, there were many studies done about the “Productivity Paradox.” Primarily, these studies focused solely on something called the “Solow computer paradox.” According to Stanford based research, “…as more investment is made in information technology, worker productivity may go down instead of up.” Further, the researchers wrote, “This is highly counterintuitive. Before … Read more

Paradox Series IV: The Wisdom Paradox

There are several PGA and CMAA professionals that I admire and look to for inspiration, motivation and even “grounding” throughout any given golf season or hiring season in my role. In fact, there are too many to list, because each of them “delivers” that value to me in differing contexts, at different events and in … Read more

PNWPGA Junior Ambassador Membership (JAM) Program

In our continuing commitment to “serve the members and grow the game,” the Section is committed to executing innovative player development programs as well as valuable member services.  When these two priorities intersect, the Section moves aggressively. During the spring 2022 meeting, the Board of Directors approved the launch and pilot funding for the PNWPGA Junior … Read more

Paradox Series III: The Effort Paradox

I’ve heard there’s almost a “requirement to fail before one can succeed.” I also know it’s true, but I hate that it is true (maybe you do too?). To prove the point, we can look at five “famous successes” (people) who failed big before they succeeded – namely Abraham Lincoln, James Dyson, JK Rowling, Jay-Z … Read more

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