president's report

May 2024 President’s Report

As the season ramps up in the Pacific Northwest, we are all reminded of the varied responsibilities we are required to balance in our roles as golf professionals. I am again reminded of the idiom, “wearing many hats.” I’m not sure if I’m more poised to use the phrase wearing many hats in this article, … Read more

April 2024 President’s Report

Early spring makes for busy times! If you are like the team at MCC, you are still short of help, but the golfers are out in full force. It is wonderful!  Last week, Connor Sproull, David Owens, and I played 100 holes for charity. We had a great time, but it was a long day! The best … Read more

March 2024 President’s Report

It is Spring Meeting week for the Pacific Northwest Section. I look forward to seeing many of you at Tacoma C&GC. The weather looks beautiful for the Pro-Assistant. I always enjoy their beautiful facilities, and James Hochrine and Brett Eaton do a spectacular job hosting us. The weekend preceding the event, the 2024 PNWPGA Special Awards celebration … Read more

February 2024 President’s Report

Greetings Golf Professionals, Welcome to February! I trust you’re savoring the winter months, whether basking in warmth or taking a well-deserved break to gear up for the upcoming season. Recently, I participated in an officer call with our Section Officer Corps. The Pacific Northwest Section’s leadership is tirelessly working on various projects. Howie Pruitt’s updates … Read more

February 2024 CEO’s Report

Passion Pays: The Profound Importance of Loving Your Work In a world driven by deadlines, targets, and corporate expectations, the notion of “loving your work” may seem like an idealistic fantasy for many. However, the profound impact of cultivating genuine affection for one’s professional pursuits cannot be overstated. As we move into February (consider this … Read more

January 2024 President’s Report

Happy January PNW PGA Members! I hope you have found time to rest and recharge during this chilly month. I will keep this month’s article brief, as I have just returned from some much-needed R&R myself.  If you didn’t get to read Frank’s New Year’s article on January 1, I highly recommend you revisit it … Read more

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