section updates

May 2012 ForeWord Press

Features: Keating Wins Senior Players’ Championship New Faces in the Section Office The Candidates for Section Secretary on Golf 2.0 Get ready for the Rosauers Open Invitational Meet Monte Koch Are You a Digger or a Picker? Senior Points Standings On Road Trips and Retirement

Washington Open Invitational – Still Accepting Entries

We are still accepting entries for the Washington Open Invitational at Glendale CC.  The Korey Pro-Am is being held on Saturday-Sunday, May 19-20 while the Washington Open Invitational is Monday-Wednesday, May 21-23rd. CLICK HERE for the Washington Open Championship team entry. The format for the Washington Open Invitational includes a team competition – the popular Net … Read more

PNW PGA Staff Changes

March 29th was my last day at the Section office.  I have accepted a position with American Laser Skincare as Regional Manager.  I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the gang at the office, as they have become like an extended family.  I also want to thank everyone for their kindness and support.  Dana Rutledge and Kate … Read more

Senior Players’ Championship

Entries are still available for the Senior Players’ Championship at Indian Summer G&CC on April 23-24th.  We will accept your team entry through Thursday, April 19th at 5:00 PM.  After that, we will accept your entry only if we have an open spot.  After last year’s event, we decided to return to the original format … Read more

April ForeWord Press

April 2012 Features: Murray and Erdmann Win Pro-Assistant Championship 10th Holcomb-In-One Las Vegas Pro-Am Meet the Candidates for Section Secretary Get ready for the Washington Open Invitational Memoriam: Ken Tucker, Bill Campbell, Daran Dauble

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