May 2024 President’s Report

As the season ramps up in the Pacific Northwest, we are all reminded of the varied responsibilities we are required to balance in our roles as golf professionals. I am again reminded of the idiom, “wearing many hats.” I’m not sure if I’m more poised to use the phrase wearing many hats in this article, or if I am just excited to share the fact that it’s called an idiom. I feel as though I have written this article before, feeling the same way with the summer coming!

In the last week I have fixed a golf cart, bought new ones, assisted my chef in preparing for an event, stocked a bar cart and trained staff, created a wine menu, merchandised, built KPI‘s, attended committee meetings, given golf lessons, and played in a tournament. That doesn’t include watching my son play tennis, supporting my child through surgery, golfing with my wife, completing my honey-do list, and trying to sleep if there is time. Like all of you, this is just a week in the life of a PGA Professional. I really only touched the tip of the iceberg, but we all have to work hard to balance everything we face in our profession. Sometimes, it is important to review your priorities and take the time to organize them into a manageable list of importance. I find that my list typically has the big important projects and the easy to solve items at the top. For me, time management of many of these items requires allowing myself time in isolation to focus on specific tasks. 

Our Section team is in the season of wearing many hats too. The staff continues to do amazing things with our tournaments, member services, and operations. Communication is key to our success, and they are doing that well in our continual newsletter updates. Thank you, Frank and staff.

The Section Secretary candidates continue to tackle tough questions each month in this newsletter. This isn’t a simple task. They are clearly putting a great deal of time and thought into their responses. Thank you, Ryan and Dave, for stepping up to add this hat to your life and put service above self. 

In the past month, we have met with the National candidates for Secretary a couple of times in video and through email. We have asked them tough questions, and they have responded thoroughly and well. Our officers hope to choose our candidate soon. The officers and I have also met with the Southwest Section and our new District Director, Chris Cain, in the last week. Our thoughtful conversation revolved a great deal around the state of our Sections and the National election. We also shared our challenges, and they shared theirs, with Dr. Cain so he can best represent us at the National Board meeting this week. We have a good relationship between our Sections, and common goals around our programs, serving our members, and our Foundation plans. Additionally, we attended the honoring of Doug Doxie at the Hall of Fame celebration at Seattle Golf Club. 

As you are prioritizing your list of tasks, please make sure you look out for yourself. Take care of your family and enjoy a round of golf. Clear your plate to alleviate stress and try not to procrastinate. A couple of housekeeping items for you to consider as a PGA Member are to check your deferred compensation for your retirement to make sure you’re registered, and make sure you update your compensation profile for 2024. Hopefully, you are hosting a PGA Jr. League,  PGA HOPE Session and/or a Patriot Golf Days fundraiser to grow the game and strengthen your compensation. 

I wish you the best in this busy month. Play well and be safe.

Chris M. Nowlen, PGA

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