October 2024 CEO’s Report

The Power of Downtime: Why Taking a Break After a Hectic Season is Essential for Business Success

Many years ago, a trusted mentor of mine invited me to join him for lunch. This wasn’t an unusual invitation, though the content of our lunch presented a big change in thinking for me. During lunch he reached into his bag and said “I got this for you. A guy like you could stand to read it.” Now if I had a dollar for every book recommendation I have received, well, I wouldn’t be writing this column today, I’d be retired. I took a quick look at the cover and thought (but did not say) “no thanks.” Soon, after I had a lengthy trip planned and, the closest book I could grab as I rushed to pack was my mentor’s gift that day: In Praise of Slowness by Carl Honoré.

In Praise of Slowness by Carl Honoré explores the global shift toward fast living and its negative effects on health, relationships, and well-being. Honoré advocates for a “slow movement,” encouraging people to embrace a more measured pace in everyday life, from work and leisure to food and parenting. What I read in that book was contrary to just about everything I believed was important to me and to success. Then again, I was young, and I decided to keep an open mind. I am so thankful I did.

After a particularly busy season—like the one our professionals are now completing—the instinct for many is to dive right into planning for the next phase. However, one of the most valuable steps a business can take following a hectic period is to embrace downtime. Far from being an indulgence, taking time to pause, rest, and recharge is an essential strategy for sustainable success.

The Dilemma: Resting to Move Forward

One of the greatest misconceptions in business is that constant activity equates to productivity. It’s easy to believe that pushing through exhaustion, working longer hours, and continuously driving your team harder will yield greater results. This often leads to diminishing returns. Burnout, poor decision-making, and reduced creativity are just a few of the negative consequences of running a business without adequate downtime.

Post-season breaks provide an opportunity for employees and leadership alike to step back and recharge. Research consistently shows that rest is a critical component of sustained high performance. When employees are given time to rest after a hectic season, they return to work with renewed energy and focus. This is when creativity flourishes, problem-solving becomes sharper, and productivity increases.

In a fast-paced business environment, it’s easy to overlook the fact that people—employees, leaders, and even customers—are not machines. Pushing people beyond their limits leads to mistakes, inefficiency, and ultimately dissatisfaction. Taking a structured break allows businesses to regroup, refresh, and ultimately re-enter the market with greater clarity and strength.

Downtime as a Tool for Reflection and Learning

The aftermath of a hectic season is the perfect time for reflection. Businesses that plow forward without taking a moment to analyze their recent experiences are missing out on valuable insights. Downtime offers the mental space needed to assess what went well and what didn’t during the busy period.

For instance, were there operational bottlenecks that slowed things down? Did certain departments thrive under pressure while others struggled? Were customers happy with the service, or did some areas fall short of expectations? These questions can only be effectively addressed with a clear mind—something that’s hard to achieve without stepping away from the day-to-day grind.

Leaders who take downtime seriously also allow space for employees to process their experiences. Team debriefs held after a break tend to be more productive than those conducted in the thick of the season, when stress is high and emotions run hot. Reflection enables businesses to make data-driven adjustments for the next season, rather than simply reacting to the chaos of the last one.

Mental and Physical Health: The Foundation of Business Resilience

The link between rest and mental health is well-documented, and its importance extends to the business world. Mental and physical burnout can take a serious toll on a company’s bottom line, whether through employee absenteeism, turnover, or decreased productivity. After a hectic season, stress levels within an organization are likely to be elevated. Pushing forward without a break can exacerbate these issues, creating a cycle of fatigue that undermines future success.

Providing employees with the opportunity to take time off, or even implementing a brief company-wide pause, can lead to significant improvements in morale and well-being. Encouraging self-care sends a powerful message to your team: that they are valued and that their health is as important as their output. In return, businesses often see greater loyalty and long-term commitment from employees who feel supported in this way.

Equally important, when business leaders themselves take time to rest, they model the importance of balance for their teams. Leaders set the tone for company culture, and if they are constantly pushing through exhaustion, employees will feel pressured to do the same. By embracing downtime, leaders can demonstrate that rest is not a sign of weakness, but rather a strategic choice for resilience and longevity.

Strengthening Relationships: Employees, Customers, and Stakeholders

Downtime isn’t just about the internal workings of a business—it also plays a key role in strengthening external relationships. During a hectic season, it’s easy for businesses to become overly focused on short-term goals, sometimes at the expense of nurturing long-term relationships with customers and stakeholders. After the rush, downtime provides the opportunity to reconnect.

For instance, after a busy holiday season, retailers can use this time to follow up with customers, show appreciation for their loyalty, and address any issues that may have arisen. Taking this step can turn seasonal customers into year-round clients. Similarly, businesses can use downtime to check in with suppliers and partners, ensuring that relationships remain strong and mutually beneficial going forward.

Bottom line: Downtime as a Strategic Business Move

Downtime may seem counterintuitive—but it is, in fact, one of the smartest strategic moves a professional can make. After a hectic season, taking time to rest, reflect, and recharge allows businesses and individuals to operate more efficiently and effectively in the long run. By prioritizing the well-being of employees, encouraging thoughtful reflection, and maintaining strong external relationships, companies position themselves for continued success.

In the end, downtime isn’t a luxury—it’s an investment in the future. Those that take the time to pause will find themselves better equipped to handle the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Important Notes and Reminders

The 2024 PNWPGA Mentoring Conference presented by TaylorMade is November 12-13, 2024, at Tacoma Golf and Country Club. This year’s event will offer two full days of keynote presentations and break-out sessions delivered by nationally recognized experts in a variety of topics, all intended to leave you with valuable take-aways for your own professional and personal growth as well as the tools to make you a truly effective mentor. Our special thanks to Mr. Greg Manley, PGA, Mr. Kyle Freeman, and all our friends at TaylorMade for again being this incredible event’s lead sponsor. Registration is now open and filling fast. To register, CLICK HERE. Last year’s event SOLD OUT, so don’t delay in registering.

I had the great pleasure of spending time with our members at the 2024 Pro-Pro and PPC. My personal and sincere thanks to Pro-Pro sponsors: Sally Schmitz of Bushnell, Wade Hernandez and Kelly Miers of Garmany Golf, Ciaran Nienow with Dynamic Brands, Andrew Von Lossow of Glen Cove Trading Co. Also, please joining me in thanking PPC sponsors: Callaway GolfIan Crick and Ryan Benzel of StrackaLine, and Jon Jacey of Evolve Golf.

As always, never hesitate to reach out to me or any member of our phenomenal staff.

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