January 2019 CEO’s Report

The 44th Hawaii Pro-Am presented by State Farm Jim Ostrander Agency is underway at the Kauai Marriott with 80 players enjoying 78 degrees, beautiful beaches and two great golf courses – Hokuala and Poipu Bay.  Follow the action on Golf Genius and Facebook to get inspired to join us next January when we head back to the Big Island.

We are down to the wire on the Ireland Pro-Am. Put a team together and join us, September 21 – 28 as we play some of the best links courses in the world. Commitments are due now with deposits by the end of the month.  Call Jeff Ellison if you are interested.  Click here for complete details.

You’ll see the announcement of our new credit card sponsor in the next few days.  We will be launching a no annual fee card with the Section logo on it.   I encourage you to look at both the personal and business options; I think you will like what you see.

I’m off to the PGA Show next week to meet with our many sponsors.  We are very fortunate to receive all the support we see each year. All your thank you notes and emails really help us renew support for your programs. Please keep it up.

The PGA Show also serves as the catalyst for not only releases about new products but also releases from the PGA of America on new programs and initiatives from HQ.  Keep an eye out for emails from National and the Section about new things that benefit you.The 2,900 kids in PGA Junior League in the Section in 2018 is a testament to the value of the program to the kids, to the families, to the facilities and to you, the PGA Professional.  This program is a great bridge between introductory junior activities and the professional junior tours.   Use the marketing horsepower of the PGA Brand and the collaborative opportunity with your fellow professionals to help grow the game FOR YOUR FACILITY.  Branden Thompson is our dedicated PGA Junior League Regional Manager; contact him at [email protected] or 503-869-2827 for more information.

For those of you staring college tuition in the face, I encourage you to apply for the PGA Financial Assistance Fund Scholarship on PGA.org. It not only serves as the application for this scholarship but also the two Bunny Mason Scholarships offered by the Junior Golf Funds. One application, two opportunities – participate.

The golf season is approaching very quickly, please make plans to utilize your PGA membership and participate in our wide array of Section and Chapter programs. They exist for your benefit!

Jeff Ellison, PGA
CEO, Pacific NW Section PGA

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