July 2022 CEO’s Report

Making Hay While the Sun Shines

As the “dog days of summer” are now in full swing, the increased intensity of our summer months can lead to distraction and burnout for you and your teams.  This is exactly the opposite of what we would hope to achieve during any season, let alone our busy season when we should maximize our ability to capitalize on business opportunities and increased demand for our rounds, lessons, services.

What should we do to prevent a diminishing return on our time and efforts?  How can you keep teams focused while also helping them cope with the demands of the season?

Take care of yourself first
You’ll be better able to support your team and model resiliency if you acknowledge and manage any stress and anxiety you feel yourself. Start by taking the time to understand what you’re feeling. You want to label your emotions. Put distance between yourself and them so that you can make a conscious decision about how to act in a way that’s in line with your values.  Ask yourself, “Whom do I want to be in this situation? What’s most important to me?” If one of your core values is to be collaborative, for example, ask, “How can I help people feel like they’re part of the team?”

Ask people what they need
Talk with employees one-on-one and let them describe what they’re going through. Do some perspective-taking by putting yourself in their shoes. You want to truly understand what they think and feel, even if you don’t agree or feel the same thing. This empathy forms the basis of trust so that you can move into problem-solving mode. It seems like a tough time. What would be most helpful now? “Let’s think about it together, because I want to help and make sure you can get your work done.” Maybe they need some extra guidance on how to reduce distractions, advice on prioritizing their work, or increased flexibility.

Focus on what you do control
Research has shown that even small rituals can reduce stress and improve performance, as can incremental progress toward clearly defined goals. You might also give people more flexibility in dictating their work schedule, so long as you encourage them to plan and make an agreement that the performance expectations remain the same. Try to return to values as well. Even when a lot of power and choices are being taken away, you still get to choose whom you want to be. So help employees clarify what’s important to them. You can do this with the whole team. “How do we want to act during these times? How do we want to treat one another?” It helps a team stay grounded when you reassert and reaffirm a shared sense of purpose.

Encourage and model self-care
Sleep, exercise, and good nutrition are proven stress killers and productivity enhancers. So, encourage your team members to take care of themselves. For example, if an employee tells you she’s taking her phone to bed to read work emails or the news, you might suggest she leave it in another room. It’s not a manager’s place to dictate these behaviors, but it’s OK to give advice, especially based on your experience and what’s worked for you. 

While the temperature may be rising, our efforts at the section office are as focused as ever.  As is always the case, it takes great partners to effectively deliver the level of services our members deserve.  I am very proud to announce our newest partner, Garmany Golf.  Garmany Golf has signed a three (3) year contract worth considerable cash plus annual contributions of “bucket list” caliber trips for section promotions.  Among those promotions will be as an added incentive for member attendance at our annual Merchandise Show, and for sweepstakes to continue to steadily grow and monetize our consumer database. 

Garmany Golf is based in Los Angeles, California and was founded in 2009 with one primary purpose: to create unique and memorable golf travel experiences around the world, for guests with discerning tastes. From the outset Garmany has specialized in working with PGA professionals and their members, ensuring that they both have a seamless and unforgettable experience.  The Garmany Golf concierge team takes much of the administrative leg work away from the Professional, allowing them to look forward to traveling with their members rather than having to deal with the organization of an experience.

The core value in all Garmany experiences is world class guest service. With both International and US Domestic experiences offered in their portfolio, all experiences are customized specifically to the interests and tastes of the club, group, or individual guest.  For more information, contact Garmany Golf at www.garmanygolf.com.

The PNWPGA is one of the very few sections that offers a robust calendar of destination pro-ams.  Limited space is still available for our fabulous Hawaii, Mexico and Arizona events.  For more information, contact Denise Taylor, [email protected], today! 

Lastly, play in YOUR Section Championship! Entries are available now for the Assistant PGA Professional Championship on August 1, as well as the Senior PGA Professional Championship on September 8-9. Entries will be available on July 27 for the PNW PGA Professional Championship on September 20-22.

As always, if I or the Section staff may ever be of any service to you, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Frank Talarico, CEO

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