player development

Golf 2.0: Effective Tactics to Building Relationships with Your Customers

KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER (KYC): Make Relationship Building a Staff Effort Recently, the PGA of America released the “Know Your Customer Tactics” booklet which is an action-based guide to compliment the “Know Your Customer Playbook”. Accessible through, or via the Know Your Customer Tactics booklet includes five action steps: Relationship-Building Tactics Customer Database Development … Read more

Our Association “Anthem”

As I’ve been watching the Summer Olympics, along with 40 million other people this week, I must admit I experience an upswell of patriotic pride (and even some emotion) when I see one of our own, like Missy Franklin of the U.S. Swim Team, get her gold medal and hear our National Anthem. When there … Read more

Golf 2.0: Keeping Golf in Their Lives After Junior Golf Camp

Based on a study by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), over 293,000 high school students from Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia participated in a high school sport in the 2010-2011 school year. This leaves over 235,000 high school-age students who do not have the opportunity to play in a … Read more

The “WOW” Product You Could Be Offering (Get Golf Ready!)

The “WOW” Product You Could Be Offering (Get Golf Ready!) Let’s face it. You became a PGA member to earn a living, to provide for your family, and to have “sustainable employment.” If we can agree with this premise, it’s reasonable for me to state, and for you to accept, that “it’s in your enlightened self-interest to grow the … Read more

Working Together as Golf Business Operators

“The most important shot in golf is the next one.” It’s one of the great quotes contributed to our game by Ben Hogan. If I can expand on it: “The most important three to five year span in the golf industry is THE NEXT ONE.” IT’S TIME WE GOT TOGETHER AS OPERATORS.  Just the other … Read more

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