section updates

Tournament and Membership Staff Restructuring

As many of you already know, Billie Potter our Membership Director recently left our Section to work for the Seattle Mariners in their sales department.  With her departure, we decided to restructure the Tournament and Membership Departments in an effort to get our PNW PGA Professionals more immediate service in both areas.  When you call … Read more

PGA Professional Golf Management Program

Reminder: The process changed in 2010. You may recall hearing that the PGA Apprentice Program changed dramatically on January 1, 2010 but if you have not worked with a new apprentice since then you may have forgotten some of the finer points of the new process. I offer this as a review of the changes … Read more

Section Update, February 24

Compensation Survey Please complete the PGA Compensation Survey before March 15.   Not only will you earn 2 MSR credits but your participation will help not only you but your neighbor professionals.   The data developed by the Compensation Survey helps support the PGA Employment Consultants efforts to improve the compensation of all PGA Professionals…someday it may … Read more

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